Distributed redacted ballot counting proposal.
Each ballot is scanned and the candidate names are replaced with a code (guid/barcode…etc). Then the entire ballot is give a code.
So now from this printed ballot:
Trump ☑
Biden □
…you have this scanned ballot:
38eu83 ☑
049923 □
Ever scanned ballot will have a different code for each candidate so no two ballots' codes will be the same for the same candidate.
The scanned ballots with the replacement codes are then DIVIDED up into electronic "pieces" that are entered into a queue for review.
The queue sends the "pieces" to several random "ballot checkers" online. The ballot checkers only see the coded candidate with an extra marking next to each name for them to "mark" as the candidate that is picked:
38eu83 ☑ □
049923 □ □
The online ballot checker then recieves this one single "piece" and checks the code that has been selected. This verifies the choice:
38eu83 ☑ ☑
049923 □ □
This "piece" is sent to three or four online ballot checkers and the majority of checks gets the vote:
38eu83 ☑ ☑
049923 □ □
38eu83 ☑ □
049923 □ ☑
38eu83 ☑ ☑
049923 □ □
38eu83 ☑ ☑
049923 □ □
…in this case, 38eu83 gets the vote and can be reconciled back to the original candidate and have a record of evidence that three ballot checkers verified this "code" as having the vote.