Interdasting - I just keep thinking about the printing of allll these mail-in ballots. Where did they all get printed? Every state has contracts with printing companies for this task - been that way for years. Was digging and came across some interesting stuff. Here’s a printer in Minnesota who had a contract with the state of Maryland, but they backed out last minute for the presidential election. Looking into them, their website is utterly useless, and thus sketched - where do I even submit a request for quote on a printing job? Digging into their FB page, also interesting. Found a post that jumped out - see highlights. In the end, this might be a completely legitimate company, but maybe we should start digging into specific companies who printed the ballots - knowingly assisting in election fraud. We already know the mail-in ballot fraud occurred, but we need to take it a step further and comb the network of players for additional clues on how they pulled off such a large scale fraud.