i like that Title…Lets get the Research going again…2017-2018 style…24 months to be mo precise…some get it.
what is CORN POP?
14th amendment
I know…its that 72 hour or whatever newscycle mentality and fake stories make most think that actual deep investigations take a hella long time…RICO..
theres a comma missin..future cat
no but there are things hidden in 14th amendment…if the Sureme Court We Have Now starts looking…? i
realizing we where nothing but cattle…thats a mindfuck
definately had a meth issue over there…China big on that would also be usual MO for infilteration..blame on METH…not organized…perhaps when that Prez announced he was immediately executing drug dealers that in itself was a cover…Philipines Loves USA…Im not a flip..I know many..Im also a Marine and they are all my nurses
correct..that was years ago..and probably part of cabal plan anyway
30 days military tribunal…makes sense
anybody have a breakdown of the 30 days of a mil tribunal?
great advice! its what I do..I trust POTUS..like watching the pilot on a plane when flying was scary for me.
totally aware how it will take a bit..big boat we are on..we are the ones leaning…
great advice! its what I do..I trust POTUS..like watching the pilot on a plane when flying was scary for me.
beautiful..watched live..so awesome..and absolutely nobody around me noticed!
its absolute gold for those who understand body language…they where in Never Will Lose Mentality