So…apparently the Breitbart hit piece on Lin Wood actually came from McConnell's office.
I highly doubt. Jews don't generally debase their own women to this extent. They want others to debase themselves.
I didn't know that. They were never safe though. Taiwan is real China.
Also, meanwhile, despite being next door, Taiwan has only had 7 Covid related deaths. If that number doesn't wake up people, nothing will. Nothing.
Why would she go on a raid personally? Pretty unbelievable, but I want it to be true.
Calm down. I only asked a question. Thanks for answering.
Captain Kirk most definitely was active in missions. He hated being an Admiral later.
Just saying.
Amillennialism. The historical position of the Church.
All Orthodox, Catholic, and every Reformer were of the Church of Satan?
You've completely lost the plot.
Orthodox suffered under ISIS, under real persecution. Orthodox died at 20 Million under Bolsheviks. Orthodox died in countless numbers under centuries of Ottoman and other Muslim rule.
Yet you point them as the Satanic church. Like I said, you've completely lost the plot. What have you done lately? You slander people who died for Christ and kept the fight to the end.
Totally understand.