What do you think "muh Russia" was about?
More specifically, they went for the dominion angle back then.
I believe this will be part of what becomes revealed. That the democrats did in fact try to set Trump up to be impeached as a foreign asset. Imagine if we were ready to violently defend the President and intelligence agencies were dumping data which showed 'the Russians' got him elected.
Even if members of the military disagreed with the action against us - the evidence would show that we were effectively supporting a foreign effort to subvert or attack our Constitution.
Remember that the people playing this game are not playing for shallow victories in office. They are playing for global domination and patriots - nationalists and libertarians - are their greatest enemy which they must orchestrate a military solution against to clear the board of obstacles to global dominion.
After that, it is a war to determine who wears the pants, but until then they will generally cooperate so long as we are seen as a viable threat to their end game.