NXIVM related?
Today's Blind Items - It Was Almost Someone Else
Back in about 2002-2003 this hopefully will never again get out of jail child molester/rapist was probably at peak earning power. One of the people who attended his classes and was enamored by him was the foreign born offspring of a former leader who still makes a name for himself today. Now, unlike many others from her country, this offspring for the most part managed to stay in the shadows with her relationship to the molester.
Another person who was a frequent guest at the seminars then but has never previously been mentioned was this former A+ list mostly movie actress who got her start on a very famous television show way back in the day. All of you still know this actress although she rarely works any longer. Anyway, she and her significant other had been trying for years to get a bunch of regulations lifted so they could expand a vacation house they owned. Enter the child molester who introduced the actress to the offspring. Problem solved.
Our actress was so happy about the connection that she started bringing her own offspring to see some of the seminars. Our child molester made a bold move to hook up with the offspring of the actress. Now, at the time, the offspring had a significant other but did hook up with the molester and did so frequently. While they were in the midst of this hookup, a news report broke based on some leaked documents which made our child molester and his seminars look really bad. It happened at just the worst time. Our actress was going to be a public face of the seminars and the offspring was going to leave her significant other and be with the child molester full time. When that news story broke though almost two decades ago, the actress was spooked and bolted and took her offspring with her.
If not for that news story, we could be looking at someone completely different as the top female of the group.