This is a statement of fact. Exhaust ALL other means necessary … ALL OTHER MEANS. If that time ever comes though (god forbid), you do not need a gun to participate in the repatriation of our Constitution, and by extension/defacto … or Liberties and Laws. Most Patriots will not, and should not, participate in kinetic actions. NO WAY. Only highly trained, and skilled Patriots should take part in any action(s) that would require fire-arms. Again, those actions should ONLY occur in the most dire of circumstances. Lethal force is a life altering action for the actioner, and obviously the one being acted upon. I can't stress it enough. Violence is the last option. Dead last. Once things get 'hot', and you let that Genie out of the bottle, there is no going back. You can't walk back bullets.
You my friend are a fucking idiot. Glowmoar … is that you Glowmoar? I think you dropped your juicebox on your keyboard. Maybe your mommy can soak it up with your jizz-ragg.