ID: 8147e9 Dec. 4, 2020, 9:49 p.m. No.11910483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0497 >>0519 >>0534 >>0575 >>0705 >>0746

Why would Biden tell the shower dog story at all?

Who would tell that story…ene. assuming it was true.

Why not just say you slipped getti getting out of shower.


Why include a ball and dogs tail.

I guess he had to since he said he hurt it playing with dog.

But why include the shower? And naked as Buck?


Wasn't his first story that it happened in yard,


Is he sending wag the tail comms?

Putin soccer ball comms?

Shower artwork comms?


Something stinks in his story.


His dog, his shower, or him