>>1191256 Oh the 13?! The Reaper
The end
The harvest
Dark energy
So did we just go from quoting bible
Straight way over to tarot?
Learn to spot a devil should I?
Learn to read the deck of 72
What angel is represented in this card?
Do you know his name?
Tell me if you've considered these mysteries
I have
I joke no more
There's much much more in store
Who's there knocking on your door?
It's knowledge and he wants to teach you more
Frater Anon
>>1191330 Different name - same game - her name is Lillithu - a.k.a. Lillith a.k.a. Isis a.k.a. Athena a.k.a. The created of disobedient archangel who's name we'll not speak of. The golem of disobedience, daughter of destruction, x-wife, the scorned, the hater of the children of Adam & Eve, the most cunning beast of the field, and the serpent. Seducer of angels and man, blasphemer of the Name, the first fallen, the fruit of disobedience.
She is Lillith - one who's name wasn't allowed to be mentioned in Torah
>>1191381 Tainted food supply with human parts kind of stuff. Peeps can't take that kind of news. Too much. It's too much to imagine really
Hittites and other Canaanite tribes brought the stories of demi gods with them first to the isle of Crete.
From there these stories were carried into Greece, then into the etruscan states (now Italy).
Each of these peoples had a similar narrative to the characters introduced to them from originally the Hittites along with other Canaanite tribes a.k.a Shemites (because they descended from SHEM) Now known as Semites. This is also the land the Hebrews called the land of the "Nephelim" also "Giants".
These creatures were pre flood mostly.
But the legends of the pre-deluvian demonic/human spawn lived on in legends, and yet some still lived on in flesh (Goliath)
These legends grew fast as furious throughout the Mediterranean. The names changed, but the means didn't.
We speak so often here of Molech. This word was derived from Melech (King). Molech was a King of the Demons so to speak.
Molech was known as a "King Maker" and had the power to grant kingship and authority.
Did any old testament kings worship Molech and the Ashteroths?
Don't make me spew more. I've got years of it.