Q…….if you can 86 the federal reserve and need gold to base our new currency off of….i got lots….tons and tons….of it….perhaps as much or more than king solomon…who knows anyways its more than you can imagine…..i don't like to spend much money or store it up in banks…rather have the real stuff….ya know what i mean…but i take off a few pieces from time to time…..i found it wiser to just stay off the radar and help when i see the need and live modestly as best i can…so i'm nobody knows who i am…ad i like to keep it that way…i think your an honest man and our country needs help….. i'm offering my help to you and this great nation of ours…..ie gold backed currency….lets make it great again !!!
i'm nobody…just a patriot like you…who got very blessed…i have more than enough…..rich man….eye of a needle…i dont wanna be that guy…