Well, Gregory L. Peck really is a Civil Rights investigator…
https:// www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/5407437/Gregory_L_Peck_ARR_v_Officer_Bender_et_al
Well, Gregory L. Peck really is a Civil Rights investigator…
https:// www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/5407437/Gregory_L_Peck_ARR_v_Officer_Bender_et_al
Lol, yeah, that's what made me really want to dig into it. It's too good of a name.
Yeah, I hadn't found that part. But he's apparently a magnificent bastard who at the very least sees what is going on regarding abuse against Trump's 4th Amendment rights.
STFU faggot shill; you didn't even LOOK at the sauce. I don't have the scribd link but it's somewhere in this bread. Not the NY one, not that it fucking matters.
I guess it's appropriate that Pepe would sleep in a basement on a cot. Love ya'll too (nohomo).