What’s Happening in US Election Matches What Happened in Venezuela, Expert Says
What’s Happening in US Election Matches What Happened in Venezuela, Expert Says
Guess anons are over the target today.
Shut it down!
The tide has drawn out as it usually does before tidal waves…
Good Morning you Magnificent Sons of Bitches !
Trump, Q Team, Military & Patriots Worldwide Blessings to you all ! o7
One day closer to the Climax……..
[D]ec 5
[D]ec 5
Nothing can stop what is coming.
This election was not about fixing the economy, trade, borders, military, protecting our children etc. all so another corrupt politician or 'insider' can simply undo it [band-aid].
This was not simply another 4-year election, but, a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not, WE, THE PEOPLE, reclaim control over our gov't.
Panic in DC.
Banks take possession.
Gov borrows moar and can't repay.
Fed helps Gov restructure in order to loan moar $, politicians agree or have no $ to spend.
Restructure = Bank control how politicians allocate budget, required in order to maintain borrowing.
During the process Banks/Fed collateralizes debt owed to [Them], collateral to take possession of to maintain further loans.
Outright seizure, granting of, or defaults, or debtor in possession structure.
Banks/Fed goal is to support a political system, or party that will enable them to literally seize each citizens wealth (assets, physical, 401k, bank accounts, etc.) to enable Gov to keep borrowing for purported public good/mandatory/required spending. Also a transfer of Gov owned property given by politicians to bankers.
At the end they have a political system they fully control, and all the assets of the country. Banks then maximize their return on the assets by controlling the labor of the people to suppress wages while introducing industry they control or contract with to maximize their profits, so these partners have the ability to repay the loans and investment the bankers made.
read JFK: re. Plot to enslave every man, woman and child.
Borrower is servant to the Lender and in a political system, the representative Gov./ or non-representative Gov (which evolves) sacrifices it's citizens to satisfy the Lender, enslaving the people to work to pay obligations that the Gov accumulated in the name of the Country, which is the People.
113 newly released Russia documents
page 23
Fusion GPS employed Nelly Ohr until Sept 2017
page 79
Investigations Crossfire Dragon, Crossfire Typhoon, Corssfire Fury
Page 80
Director's Briefing Notes Crossfire Hurricane May 1st, 2017
Crossfire Typhoon (George Papadopoulos)
Page 82
Crossfire Razor (Michael Flynn)
Page 85
Dragon ______ (Carter Page)
Page 87
Crossfire Fury (Paul Manafort)
Page 94
Jan 1st, 2017 text
Dragon FISA renewal passed to NSCLB
Page 95
Jan 1st, 2017
Disscussing Steele tomorrow with ____ and that the Post will be running a story on Steele& his relationship with Kremlin/Russia?
February 3rd, 2017
Text to Boone: I'm heading to a 9:30am meeting w/SC of OPA to discuss the forthcoming Post story on Steele? The Post may name more subsources and will not _____
Page 96
Feb 13th, 2017
Text to Boone: Flynn needs to go.
We absolutely can't have anyone at the WH reaching out to anyone in the field for FBI information
Page 98
Text: Good morning, you have a case opening in your Sentinel queue for _ case on _
OK - make alterations per your conversation with _____
Page 102
FYI Pete called me Friday night regarding the special counsel and personnel and he indicated that ____ was on his list.
Page 103
Text: I got a call last night asking to extend one of our _____ until December to work with Special Counsel.
Page 109
dated June, 28 2016
Text from Strzok to Rybicki:
Jim - I have the POTUS - HRC emails D requested at the end of briefing yesterday.
Q 260 (Dec 5, 2017)
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
FLYNN is safe.
We protect our Patriots.
Q 269 (Dec 5, 2017)
Key - unlocks the door of all doors (info)
Stone - the force / strength capable of yielding power to act on info
Potus is the KeyStone. KEY: authorize NSA/Mil Intel/Gov (Evidence gathering) and STONE: Use evidence with Force as needed to ensure it leads to accountabilty
Anons, Digital Soldiers and Patriots also are a Stone for without public awareness [Their] propaganda and control of corrupt courts, LEO and IC, can defeat any accountability.
/ Use of Force)
Q 2494 [D]ec 5
Q 2548 (Dec 4, 2018)
cap of Flynn Q 260
The world is watching
Are you a nation of Law & Order?
If so
Prove it!
Bring the criminals who have been running/ruining your country to justice.