5 Dec 2020
Frog Pond West
Q, Q+, Mil Intel, NSA, and all anons at large . . .
My Mother has been Bivouacked
at a Nursing Home for nearly a Year.
Two days ago she was Diagnosed with
Covid19 and just now has been sent to
an ICU at a Hospital in another town.
Can President Trump overide
Current Medical Thinking
and have Hydroxychloroquine
prescribed for Mom ?
Since Trump has been highly
touting REGENERON, I suspect
his use of that Drug to
be a Feint, and therefore,
not legitimate.
And so I don't ask for it . . .
Perhaps, if the Surgeon General
is a White Hat, he could be asked
to make the call to this Hospital to
expedite my request.
I'm sure the NSA knows who and
where I am, and can quickly direct
helpful forces to my situation.
Thankyou ! ⁵⁰⭐ o7
— 3 years, 2 months, and 1 day, a Frog