By focused concentration, void of all emotion. It's the only way on the battlefield.
Crikey. I left to clean up the kitchen, get back and find the board full of shills and MSM actors pretending to be anons. Something big must be coming down.
Correct. There is no such thing as constitutional precedence. There is only the Constitution. Yes, President can call for Martial Law and the Military can oversee an election.
>a defense official (like Vindman per chance) tells Military Times.
Question: Who owns & publishes Military Times?
Yes it does. Anon pounded refresh, didn't update. An anon suggested to go to last 50. Anon did and all is good, updating per normal. Fingers crossed.
And there we have it. No one can say that the Republic of the United States of America is not under attack. Under attack even more sever than back in the times of President Lincoln. It has to be Martial Law. There is no other way to save the Republic.