cant say thanks enough baker!
no worries.
>>11915700 (lb)
so go vote for Warnock and Obama and call it a day, loser.
cant say thanks enough baker!
no worries.
>>11915700 (lb)
so go vote for Warnock and Obama and call it a day, loser.
she said 'vote early'
and the crowd says 'stop the steal!'
cuz they realize Ballot harvesting over a course of months is some Abrams ass peasant shit.
when you say 'these fuckers' could you be alil moar specific?
and you red text attention starved peasants are still losing…
plenty fucks to give, we LOVE giving…
we just ain't givin' no fucks about a hater anymore…
with love always,
yeh, Q went thru all this work to set up a tripcode, a private board…and a BATTALION of digital patriots.. just to post anonymously on 4ch.
>5 steps ahead
Brad is a 'free citizen' now..
he can talk to who he wants, when he wants about WHAT HE WANTS, and doesn't have to worry about WH restrictions/CLAS_TS protocol…
Brad says he hasn't Talked to DJT since the day he left… I believe that.
but he DIDN'T tell you how him and Jared still text on a daily basis…
did you notice in his interview he LITERALLY said the word 'plan' 17 times? _ffact check me on that, I dare you.
somethin' like dat..
but I'm just a random larp on the internet, don't listen to me!!!
oh look, its the romanian who froze the catalog so all the boomers cant find us.
good god you are dumb.
that's my graphic.
you want me to bake the next 20 straight just to show you NOTHING IS WRONG with the board Qtard?
sorry, I know 'bakers' deserve respect…
but my spideysenses tell me you aren't exactly the 'best we got' around here…
to listen to music and make fun of each other, you didn't know?
dood is makin' Queers think its okay to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN…
the faggot slick probly got moar hoes than you do.
>she's very fit but she looks better with clothes on, honestly.
yeh, and WE ALL assumed you were smart like 19 posts ago…