POTUS changed a franchise.
Do Star Wars next POTUS!!! Have Darth Vader wipe his ass with Luke's hand after he cuts it off!
POTUS changed a franchise.
Do Star Wars next POTUS!!! Have Darth Vader wipe his ass with Luke's hand after he cuts it off!
what happened to enforcing it?
If there is no section 230 how will little guys compete with big companies?
search engines? e-mail? anon's spoiled with this place.
you may be onto the real answer. DOWN WITH SKYNET!!!
i just repeated a talking point. that is bad.
if 230 is all about protecting from getting sued as a publisher, and not about competition. abolish it.
if you are a small company, that developes a good idea, the big guys buy them out. that is why there are no "threats" to Faceberg. If Instagram did not sell out to them, if the industry was split, people would have somewhere to go if FB started censoring content.
losing arguements is not fun. stop posting facts!!! making me moran!