More empty promises.
Boomers eat it up.
Am I surprised? No.
Still eating on my call Q. Still phoneposting. NSA pals should have my number.
Like podesta was supposed to be indicted on 11.3
Oh wait. Didn’t happen. B-but I’m just a clown shill!! No one would ever bullshit on the internet.
So how’ve you been doing Frank?? Is infinitychan working out for you better then 4ch? I see you abandoned the Anon5 gimmick.
>clown shill!!!
Nah. Been here since P Door. Half of you probably only joined because some boomer joined in the fun and games. Just wait. Tomorrow,the department of justice will still not deliver justice. Nothing will happen. “Q” will only claim more attack’s in his device.
Keep buying into bullshit.lets see how long frank keeps you all loyal.
Oh wait,any and all opinions against Q are shills. I forgit. My bad.ill keep being a sheep and lurking my life away.
Still waiting on my call Q. The one that won’t come.