Deadpool is filled with redpills. Look at the mkultra torture they do to create the mutation?
Redpill nigga?
Deadpool is filled with redpills. Look at the mkultra torture they do to create the mutation?
Redpill nigga?
This faggot actually was in the White House on numerous occasions. Not only is he a degenerate faggot but he makes gay porn. Not kidding. He stayed over night with Obama while there was a porn director staying in the White House also.
Not bullshitting you. We uncovered this on Pizzagate Voat last year.
What do you think a porn director a notorious gay porn actor and a mega gay President would be getting up to?
Let your imagination run wild. It still wont be even half of the truth.
We need all the allies we can get to destroy the Jew Slave System. So keep your eye on the big prize….or just put a sign on your head…..nigger clown here.
White House logs had both the gay porn director and the gay porn actor over night. I cant remember sauce off hand. Figure out the fags name and google it…it was common knowledge on Voat for over a year.
Did you ride the short bus? Of course these two clowns are baby eating luciferians….it is what they do. DNA the fuckers and your going to get lots of kike on it also.
Could the Saudi killers have been directed by these two Jews? Maybe Trump had them eliminated early because we knew the truth?
Jews dont usually like to do the dirty work themselves. More likely they were the guys running the show. The detail guys.