Saville – Ice cream shop connection —- page text just deleted!
Please remember to back up what you link or what you visit! I did not even submit this link, but merely cut and pasted it into a box here.
relates to: pedophile networks, KLF, Jimmy Saville, ice cream truck
I found that Ice cream trucks have been a method of pedophilia and kidnapping. Because of course they are.
(to cut to it, see linked posted image of webpage)
I was analyzing the video and song "Justified and Ancient" by the KLF. I analyzed many of the lyrics as can be seen in this post which contains images, link to video, lyrics:
Overt symbolism, fairly direct taunting!
Leaders of KLF: Bill Drummond (alias King Boy D, Time Boy) and Jimmy Cauty
An article about the band:
The article goes into their use of 'The Illuminatus Trilogy' as a source of inspiration.
Earlier it mentions a child-charity event with multiple bands:
"…1.011: What's the One World Orchestra? What does "The Magnificent" sound
like then?
To aid the War-Child charity effort in Bosnia, a compilation album featuring
original tracks by some of the best artists around was recorded, pressed and
shipped in a mere six days (now the fastest recorded studio album ever), in
September 1995. The musicians contributing tracks included Oasis, Blur,
Stereo MCs, Stone Roses, and the One World Orchestra (Featuring The Massed
Pipes And Drums of the Children's Free Revolutionary Volunteer Guards). This
turned out to be a new moniker for Bill and Jimmy. (Further information on
the album and samples of the song can be obtained from http://
The OWO track, entitled "The Magnificent", is a short but spicy drum'n'bass
reworking of the orchestral theme from the film 'The Magnificent Seven', with
samples from a Serb radio station…(see link)…. In a Radio 1 interview (full transcript in ftp
archive) Jimmy said "It's a novelty record. which is something we're good
at.". It is possible that the OWO recorded more tracks (see 5.010). The
thinking behind the name One World Orchestra in unknown.
My lyric interpretations / things that caught my ear 'as a pop song without deep reference to the book'.
I now see that the these
I later realized I missed something in the lyrics, which I will post here, its from the first of the rap portion:
Justified and Ancient, Ancient and a-justified,
Rocking to the rhythm in their ice-cream van [calling out known UK elite pedo operations, kidnapping, etc.]
with the plan and the key to [the pedo operation is part of the plan and key, bribery and control. with total control then it is time for the scene from the end of the video]
enter into Mu Mu [time for the CIA rouge states to strike, and the elites to enter scheme of being biologically permanent masters of the slave subspecies.]
What is this entry to MuMu at the end?
Note the Y horned men with ceremonial/Satanist garb get into a submarine as all of the others, a highly international group, are so happy to go to MuMu land (socialism as bait for fascism). Submarines are for launching attacks, make no mistake. This is about a nuclear threat from a submarine, perhaps one that the world is/was to think of as from rouge NK. This song might be forecasting Q-events par NK, Hawaii, prediction with 'missing 'i'' (isotope i think was the intention but the crowd chose otherwise, and we chose, that is how it works)
So I then researched for an Ice Cream – pedophile connection, and of course there are a very large number of incidents, particularly in England/London. I find a web page writing about the Saville case bringing down an Ice Cream shop, and that Seville states he was lovers with the owner. Knowing what we know, perhaps this was something like an 'all of the above' pedo network hub, similar to what is apparent with Alefantis and his Pizza joint. I return in a few days, and the text is now missing!
Moral of story, back up the pages you not only link, but that you visit. And with that, I am out of here for a little while. https:// – It seems to me that the text is now gone!
(will post images separately)
I am afraid I have struck the antennas, so it might be smart to do a quick dig on this topic of 'Saville - London - ice cream - etc.'