Take their cock out of your mouth and you won't gag faggot.
"Might be happy in a few week"!!!! Oh yes we will Mr. President!!!
Rarely if ever watch the news on FNC but I do watch the ones worth watching and Judge Jeanine is definitely one of them.
TOGTFO!!!! Qucumber action?
Well then, it will be fucking on. They can have my guns when they take them from my cold dead hands.
Look you fucking shitass anons, if it is somehow better that this soi boi Ossoff and this marxist clown Warnock, whatever the fuck that is, hands Cry'n Chuck U Schumer the senate and undue every fucking thing the greatest President in the history of this country has done for this country then I don't know what to tell you………………..Yea, I do actually. FUCK OFF!!!
Yes, there was a certain look in Pompeo's eyes and that grin that told me POTUS is going nowhere.And look at POTUS right now. Does he appeared nervous, unsure? Not a FUCKING CHANCE. He knows which way this entire thing is going to go. The trap was set and they as usual, stepped right in it.