Anonymous ID: 6484b8 Dec. 5, 2020, 10:42 p.m. No.11922171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2189

I think I have a possible "double meanings" angle here and I'm not sure if I have found every detail.

To start, if you watched the rally, you probably heard POTUS say "I like cucumbers." Many anons quickly made the connection to pickles and the CIA.

But why is he saying he "likes" the CIA? This anon here caught a decode that is obvious when you see it: "cucumbers" = Qcumbers.

>>11921513 (pb) (cap in graphic)

But if we are well beyond the phase of POTUS dropping Q signs, maybe he is calling for anons to decode the rest of his comments right there?

He also mentions peppers and squash. I think the graphic attached gives a possible decode of each that doesn't involve too much overthinking.

The Halloween post Q14 is the first time Q posts the Durham boat pic. And I think Q522 is a good match for "hot," since it has many HOT's and they are in caps, and I think this is the first time he uses the word actually.

So basically this is warning that it is really about to go down.


As I was working this up I thought of another possible angle that also fits with the rally. Notice how in Q522 many of the lines say "pre_D". Could that mean "pre D-Day"? Apparently, POTUS at the rally mispronounced "Jan 5" (date of GA runoff) as "Jun 5". Anons caught that Jun 5 was the scheduled date for the Normandy landings, but Eisenhower postponed them due to bad weather. So this could be a confirmation that D-Day is almost here.

>>11920197 (pb)

Anonymous ID: 6484b8 Dec. 5, 2020, 11:59 p.m. No.11922471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2475 >>2498 >>2598 >>2615


I forced myself to watch that whole thing, and it was far worse than anticipated. Decades ago I used to watch SNL every week, and some of it was quite good, in my opinion. Even in the bad periods there would be some good stuff. But this wasn't merely not funny, it was horrific desperation. I had been wondering whether they would open with Melissa Carone, but this was far, far worse than I expected. I watched those hearings (and many others). The Jenna Ellis character literally sits there doing nothing other than being a far uglier version of Jenna Ellis. The Rudy character - I'm at a loss for words - even in children's comedy you know you are failing if you have to insert a bunch of fart jokes, but this is supposed to be serious political satire? The amazing thing is that the Melissa Carone character still comes off as the most real of the whole lot, and she is the one they are supposedly mocking. I won't be the least bit surprised if this very skit comes to be analyzed as exemplary of the total prostitution of the mainstream "comedy" world.

Anonymous ID: 6484b8 Dec. 6, 2020, 12:40 a.m. No.11922598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2605


This sketch probably doesn't appeal to everyone, and it's actually grown on me over the years - but I think it provides a nice contrast between what could sometimes be a visceral and absurdist sense of humor on SNL and the utterly calibrated and yet abominable Michigan hearing sketch.