Anonymous ID: 300b18 Dec. 6, 2020, 4:18 a.m. No.11923128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3246


There is a part of me that fears we are a dying breed, or, perhaps, simply ill fated to have been born into a species already rendered so servile.

The essence of myself and many others, I engage with and enjoy as individuals, which I describe and define as human… Is it actually not human, and not common - the real human attributes being little more than cows or hogs with the benefits of expanded trainability and aposable thumbs.

Certainly, when we look around the world - the norm is for rulers to rule over their people who are often completely servile to their demands. This is the standard across humanity. Democracy is a tool used by the ruling castes to dissolusion the public, as every election of importance has only ever been determined by the vote counters.

Obviously, nothing so important can be left to the decisions of the masses.

Republics are staffed with more overt ruling castes who argue that it takes experience to be incompetent when their position is subject to popular review.


We… Were the exception and, having been conprised of those who fled the thrum of servile masses of other continents, now have nowhere left to go as the tide of humanoid cattle bleetingly consigns us to their fate along with them.


I am being dramatic and fatalistic - obviously I can only stand for and fight for what I believe in - but when I step back and look at the human being more objectively, or perhaps critically, I must wonder if my assumption that these things I believe to be fundamental to the human spirit are, in fact, exceptional and the pattern obvious in the rest of the world an indicator of the fate that we will fight against, but ultimately the species destined to lose.


… To what I suppose is a good question - but if the current plans work out as foreseen, then the last human beings will likely expire playing woke world of warcraft VR just a few months before all the machinery gives out from lack of maintenance and the biosphere stripped of carbon dioxide necessary to support plant life.