The resolution will be upto the Biden/Harris team.
they can say 'huh, we'll really get put to death for treason if we go through with this, or spend 30 years at GITMO' or they can delude that Joe-in the street American is going to put up with it (we aren't) and that the MI isn't going to let it happen: boom
sting the Mofos and haul them off to 'splan what they did to a JAG or others of that sort.
so they can say 'lets let the story that Q and MI springing a trap was all BS and we see it now: yes the election was compromised but . . . we didn't know . . . (pweeesse just let us retire with our winnings, we'll move along')'
so they get to decide that, if when the door opens, that it is the Lady or the Tiger.
it's up to them. We are watching from the comfort of our browser screen viewing situation.
they are watching from the dungeon of their own delusions and the group think of their poison overlords.
Biden concedeing is giving them a second chance.
Biden saying 'naw, I really won you dog faced pony soliders now I get set and let the Cabal woman be the head Jexibel she is my Kueeen.'
No, Joe, say this: 'after reviewing the evidence that the Republicans and Mr. Guiliani have provided, I will be conceded the win for the office of the president of the united states that I had assumed before. Mr. Trump is the winner.
God Bless the president of the United States of America!'
God Bless the President of the United States of America!
Mr. Biden's people: this is an independant voters who is in a deep blue place and I am going to tell you: if you don't concede you will ALL be up for something that I don't even know what it is.
And I won't be on your side in these matters. Nor will I play 'devils advocate' for you as I typically do with compromised people.
I'll be like 'how soon, let's get it over with. I don't watch executions. why are all of you gloating that they are swing from a white oak tree? '
and though I won't like the executions, because they are horid, I will see them as necessary conclusion to the truclence and constant agitation of very dangerous people, seditious and treasonous.'
change my mind.