>>11912655 pb
Remember, Anons, that it was the text and structure of the CONSTITUTION, not the text of the Amendments subsequent to the CONSTITUTION that was designed to protect liberties.
The amendments are certainly intrinsic to that text and structure, by definition, but were added, by definition, after the ratification of the CONSTITUTION. The point is that the constitutional order has been under attack since day one and that over time the amendments became moar and moar significant in protection of liberty. Likewise the decisions of the Supreme Court.
The legislatures of the various states of these UNITED STATES are the legitimate entities for the protection of the federal elections and the rights directly associated with elections. This structure, and the text that makes it explicit, are what we now rely on for combatting the fraud of 2020.
The abuse of judicial review set us up for this very moment. See the 300-plus cases the DEMS brought before election day to make the fraud that much easier to pepetrate. The abuse of judicial review, not judicial review per se, was key to the decades of modern erosion of the very liberty that the text and structure or framework of the CONSITITUTION was designed and ratified to safeguard.
This is the meaning of the notion that we have a republic - if we can keep it. Note that after the Civil War each state was explicitly tasked with the enormity of assuring a republican form of government for US citizens. And so the federal government's role was enhanced by way of returning to the significance of the states of these UNITED STATES.
The beauty of this constitutional order begins with the acknowledgement of the nature of society, of human nature, and of the natural rights that secure governmentn of the people by the people for the people.
God bless ANONS.
The Liberty Bell that awakens the people.