Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10 a.m. No.11925287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5420 >>5614 >>5658 >>5765 >>5834 >>5937

W.H.O. Chief Tedros Ready to Join ‘Influencers’ Joe Biden, Boris, Obama in Live Coronavirus Vaccination


The chief of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is willing to publicly receive a coronavirus vaccination, joining former U.S. Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a display of trust in the process.


Tedros, an Ethiopian public health researcher and the head of W.H.O. since 2017, said during a Friday briefing he is “happy to” publicly show himself receiving the vaccination.


“It’s a good idea, and I support their offer,” Tedros said when asked about former U.S. Presidents George Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama committing to getting vaccinated publicly, along with Boris Johnson, adding “They can influence… They are influencers.”


“I would be happy to do the same thing, but at the same time, I need to also make sure that it’s my turn because I don’t want to take anybody’s vaccine.”


A W.H.O. report published Friday highlighted “harnessing social influences”, by profiling people who are “particularly trusted” and willing to take a jab could help promote acceptance and uptake of coronavirus vaccines.


The three former presidents agreed to get vaccinated on camera to build American confidence in the drug.


President-elect Joe Biden said he will join them once infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci determines it’s safe, as Breitbart News reported.


Britain on Wednesday became the first Western country to approve a vaccine, from Pfizer-BioNTech, for general use, with other countries now voing to to follow suit swiftly.


Just 12 months after the pandemic began in China, the UK’s independent medicines regulator gave its green light in double-quick time, as Breitbart London reported.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:03 a.m. No.11925317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5608 >>5614 >>5834 >>5937

The Same Organized Fraud That Took Place in Michigan Took Place In Georgia on Election Night – Republicans Were Removed from the Counting Area and then Massive Spike in Biden Only Votes is Recorded


Update: We replaced featured image of reporter with suitcase with the ballot timeline image.


Biden-only votes were produced seemingly everywhere on Election night to steal the election away from President Trump in a coordinated effort.


Georgia and Michigan are only two examples.


This past week we saw first hand how the Democrats inserted tens of thousands of Biden only votes into the voter records in Georgia. They did so after shutting down the counts, removing Republican observers from the premises and then pulling votes out from under the table.


The Georgia spike in Biden ballots took place at 1:36 AM when the secret suitcase ballots were pulled out from their hiding place under the tables.


They then ran the Biden only ballots through the tabulators multiple times. These votes were all for Biden and fraudulently gave Biden the lead in the race.


All these instances of criminal election fraud went for Joe Biden.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.11925324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5376 >>5569 >>5614 >>5641 >>5834 >>5937

Alito Moves Up Deadline For Supreme Court Briefing In Pennsylvania Case, Bringing Within 'Safe Harbor' Window To Intervene


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has made a critical decision which may signal that court's willingness to hear a controversial case attempting to flip Pennsylvania's 2020 election results.


Originally, Alito set a Wednesday deadline for the state to respond to GOP Rep. Mike Kelly's lawsuit alleging that a 2019 state election reform, known as Act 77, violates both the state and federal constitutions by creating a so-called "no-excuse mail-in" voting regime.


Many took the Wednesday deadline as political theater, as it would place the case outside the "safe harbor" window which requirest that controversies "concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors . . . by judicial or other methods or procedures" to be determined" at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors," according to Law & Crime.


In other words, the Tuesday deadline may signal that the Supreme Court takes Kelly's case, which was rejected by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court with prejudice last weekend.


According to Kelly's filing, the 'no-excuse mail-in' voting scheme should only apply in a limited number of circumstances, and that people must vote in person unless a narrow list of excuses applies. Thus, Act 77 and related election access laws should be invalidated - along with votes cast under it in the 2020 election.


More via Law & Crime:


In strict theory, the U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to settle Pennsylvania constitutional issues, such as whether the state statute at question (Act 77) violates the state constitution. Generally, such matters are the exclusive realm of a state supreme court. But there are exceptions to that general concept, Kelly argues, including here. Because the state is acting under a “direct grant of authority” from the U.S. Constitution to manage federal elections, the U.S. Supreme Court can become involved, he argues, and can determine whether the Pennsylvania statutory and constitutional regime of laws violates the U.S. Constitution. Kelly invites the U.S. Supreme Court to conclude as such and, perhaps more dubiously, that the state court’s way of rubbishing the election violates his rights to petition the government and to receive due process under the First and Fourteenth Amendments thereto. He frames the issues this way:


1. Do the Elections and Electors Clauses of the United States Constitution permit Pennsylvania to violate its state constitution’s restrictions on its lawmaking power when enacting legislation for the conduct of federal elections?


2. Do the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution permit the dismissal of Petitioners’ claims with prejudice, on the basis of laches, where doing so foreclosed any opportunity for Petitioners to seek retrospective and prospective relief for ongoing constitutional violations?

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.11925351   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5385 >>5398 >>5510 >>5614 >>5730 >>5834 >>5937

Barr ‘so deep in the swamp’ he can't ‘see his fellow reptiles’: Fox's Pirro turns on AG for denying voter fraud


Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro, one of President Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters, has turned on Attorney General Bill Barr, calling him a “reptile” for daring to weigh in on election voter fraud.


While Pirro once praised Barr, she is now referring to him as a ‘swamp dweller’ for his comments this week that there has been no substantial evidence of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election.


“As a former prosecutor, for over three decades, I and virtually everyone similarly situated know that DOJ guidelines do not allow comment on investigations,” Pirro said Sunday night in a long rant directed at Barr, whose job some have predicted could be on the line since his election comments as they break with the president’s hard-line stance that he won in a landslide.


“We need answers. We need action. We need justice. And you, Mr. Barr, are so deep in the swamp you can’t see beyond your fellow reptiles, and you are not the exceptional leader needed at this exceptional time in history,” Pirro added about the attorney general.


The Fox News host’s intense comments surprised many, especially considering her past praise of Barr.


Asked this week if he still has confidence in Barr following his election comments, the president said, “ask me that in a number of weeks from now.”


The president reiterated at a rally in Georgia on Saturday night that he won the election and he will “never, ever surrender” in his effort to overturn the results.


Through multiple lawsuits, Trump has claimed Biden stole victories in swing states such as Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan through illegal ballot dumps. Though many of his legal battles have been lost in court, the president continues to maintain his accusations of voter fraud with the certification of Biden’s win looming, as electors go through their official vote on December 14.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:09 a.m. No.11925361   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>5834 >>5937

Chinese retail giant becomes first big online shop to accept digital yuan in $3mn ‘lottery’ trial


China is set to hold one of the biggest trials of its sovereign digital currency, making it available for payments at one of its biggest e-commerce platforms,, after yet another massive giveaway.


Some 100,000 lucky residents of Suzhou city in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu are set to receive digital red packets worth 200 yuan (over $30) next Friday. The lottery, which will distribute a total of 20 million yuan ($3 million), will be held on the eve of a year-end shopping festival known as ‘Double 12’, sometimes called Couples’ Day.


To claim their prize, the winners will have to download the official Digital Renminbi App. The app is currently not accessible to the general public and can only be downloaded via a special link.


After receiving the virtual money, shoppers will have around a fortnight to spend it, with some 10,000 shops participating in the trial., with over 440 million active customers and hundreds of thousands of brands, has become the largest company to join the initiative. On Saturday, the company’s fintech arm announced via its official WeChat account that it will accept digital yuan as payment for some products, becoming the first online mall to do so.


The Suzhou lottery is set to become one of the biggest real-world tests for the digital yuan as China moves towards a cashless society. Earlier this year the government in Shenzhen, the country’s leading tech hub, carried out a lottery to distribute a total of 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) worth of the digital currency, making the upcoming trial twice as big.


Shenzhen and Suzhou are among four Chinese cities where the government has been carrying out limited trials of the digital currency. Beijing has also announced that the digital yuan will be tested during the 2022 Winter Olympics Games.


The digital yuan, officially known as the Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) and projected to replace paper money, will be linked to the holder's smartphone number, with transactions taking place through an app. Unlike cryptocurrencies, the token will be issued and backed by the country’s central bank.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:12 a.m. No.11925386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>5834 >>5937 >>5941

FARNAN: Ballot Harvesting is The Most Systematically Racist Practice in America, And It Stole This Election


As Trump voters peruse the spider veins of the internet to find information prohibited in the main arteries, each is developing his or her favorite compelling piece of evidence that proves election fraud.


My favorite is the testimony of Dr. Linda Lee Tarver, the former election integrity liaison to Michigan’s Secretary of State. She also happens to be black, which shouldn’t matter, but it does give her an additional element of historical standing to issue a complaint.


This is the short version of what she said:


This fine Michigan GOP lady has been involved with elections 25 yrs, last 8 of which with voting integrity. Gutless Democrat weasel State Sen @JeffMIrwin tries to blame everything on @realDonaldTrump & Michigan GOP.

Will bless your heart to watch the back and forth! 1/4


— President-Elect Reed (@Herbert_L_Reed) December 1, 2020


This is her entire statement.


To summarize, in the black neighborhoods of Detroit, there were no checks against illegal ballot harvesting, drop box abuse, signature manufacturing, and stacks of ballots showing up from out of nowhere; and no ability to do a forensic audit or recount after the event.


Dr. Tarver concluded: “The larger the jurisdiction with people of color people who look like me, the more fraud that can be inserted into stealing an election, and that is a problem and we need to stop it.”


She is rightly offended.


Ballot harvesting involves paternalistic white people entering black neighborhoods and compelling political decisions because they think they know better.


It is the most systemically racist thing presently being done in America.


The last time whites were so eager to count disengaged African Americans was at the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:13 a.m. No.11925396   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Privacy Advocates Take Cops to Federal Court for Using Surveillance Planes to Spy on Citizens


Pushing back against efforts to extend the government’s spying powers, The Rutherford Institute has asked a federal appeals court to end Baltimore’s use of aerial surveillance to continuously track and monitor the activities of citizens throughout the city.


In an amicus brief filed in partnership with Electronic Freedom Foundation, National Assn. of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and Brennan Center for Justice, Rutherford Institute attorneys have asked the U.S. Court of Appeals to rule that the city’s Aerial Investigative Research program, which uses plane-based cameras to record ground movements and is integrated with other city surveillance systems, violates the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures.


The brief in Beautiful Struggle v. Baltimore Police Department, which asks the Appeals Court to reconsider and reverse its earlier ruling upholding the program, argues that the comprehensive collection of data and tracking of over a half million people every day is a severe infringement on privacy rights and chills the exercise of the rights of speech and assembly protected by the First Amendment.


“We’re on the losing end of a technological revolution that has already taken hostage our computers, our phones, our finances, our entertainment, our shopping, our appliances, and now, it’s focused its sights on us from the air,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “By subjecting Americans to surveillance without their knowledge or compliance and then storing the data for later use, the government has erected the ultimate suspect society. In such an environment, there is no such thing as ‘innocent until proven guilty.’”


Concerned over rising crime rates within the city, in 2016, the Baltimore Police Department began secretly implementing an Aerial Investigative Research (AIR) program that deployed three planes equipped with cameras to record activities and the movements of persons throughout the entire city during daytime hours. When news reports revealed the existence of the AIR program, it was shut down due to strong public opposition.


But the program was revived when a new police chief was appointed and its implementation was approved by the city council. Under the reimplemented program, airborne cameras continuously capture video of 90% of the city during daylight hours.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.11925416   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"All Terrorists Are Educated In Schools Sponsored By Saudi Arabia": Iran Airs Laundry List


Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said this week that every terrorist group in our region received its teachings in religious schools funded by Saudi Arabia. Specifically he charged "Every terrorist group in our region has graduated from Saudi-funded Madrassas".


Khatibzadeh tweeted on Thursday "No amount of Saudi confusion can hide this ugly reality." He added in another statement about Saudi Arabia, "Their atrocities in Yemen, and the infamous killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi are just some of their other stunts, and the latest of this is their standing with the state sponsor of terror against the Palestinians."


"The Saudis must change course," he continued. "The policy of inflaming tensions can no longer be defended."


The tweets of the Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, came in response to recent statements by the Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Adel Al-Jubeir, in which he said that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia does not endorse the policy of assassinations, and indicated that Iran blames Saudi Arabia for every earthquake or flood .


"It seems that despair has prompted Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mr. Javad Zarif, to place any blame on the Kingdom and accuse it of causing what is happening in Iran," Al-Jubeir said .

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:16 a.m. No.11925432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5514

Georgia Lt. Gov. Duncan: Trump’s ‘Mountains of Misinformation’ Hurting Republicans in Senate Runoff


Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan (R-GA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that President Donald Trump’s “mountain of misinformation” was hurting the chances of Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA) and Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) in the two Georgia runoff races which will determine the balance of power in the Senate.


Anchor Jake Tapper said, “The president at a rally in Georgia last night insists he won your state, which is not true. He attacked your governor and attacked the Republican going to be Raffensperger, a friend of yours. He called the election rigged. Set the record state if you would.”


Duncan said, “The rally last night was kind of a two-part message. The first part was very encouraging to listen to the president champion the conservative strategies of Senators Loeffler and Perdue and the importance for them being re-elected.”


He added, “The second message was concerning to me. I think the fanning of the flames puts us in negative misinformation. Mountains of misinformation are not helping the process but only hurting it. I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5, and certainly I can’t think of a worse playbook to handoff over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats.”

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.11925441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5455 >>5481 >>5503 >>5780

GA Sec. of State Raffensperger: ‘We’ve Never Found Systemic Fraud, Not Enough to Overturn the Election’


The Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that there was no “systemic fraud” in Georgia’s 2020 presidential election.


Anchor George Stephanopoulos asked, “Your office is investigating claims of fraud. what have they found?”


Raffensperger said, “We’ve never found systemic fraud, not enough to overturn the election. We have over 250 cases right now. We reached out to the governor and asked for additional manpower resources that gives us additional reach to finish up these investigations quickly, but right now, we don’t see anything that would overturn the will of the people here, Georgia.”


He added, “I’m a Republican. I vote for Republicans. So I wish them well. The job of the Republican Party is to raise money and turn out the vote. My job as secretary of state is to make sure we have honest and fair elections. It’s as simple as that, and integrity matters.”

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.11925448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5472 >>5567

FNC’s Wallace Corrects HHS Sec Azar over Biden’s Title: ‘He’s the President-Elect, Sir’


Fox News anchor Chris Wallace interrupted Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” after Azar referred to Joe Biden as “the vice president” rather than “president-elect.”


Wallace asked, “If President Trump had worn a mask then and urged everyone to wear a mask then, back in April, the way Joe Biden is right now, wouldn’t we be in much better shape?”


Azar said, “We welcome Vice President Biden to the club. Since the middle of April, the president’s guidelines have called for …”


Wallace interjected, “He’s the president-elect, sir. He’s the president-elect.”


Azar said, “The president has called masks patriotic acts. Every one of his top advisors says, wear your mask. We talk about the data. At one meter, if two people whether masks, it can reduce viral transmission by 72%, protecting both the source and the recipient. We’ve got the data, masks work. We encourage people, please wear a mask when you can’t engage in social distancing.”


Wallace said, “First of all, if the President-elect Joe Biden, Secretary Azar, and secondly, the fact is the president set on the first day, April 30, that he wasn’t going to wear a mask. He didn’t wear a mask in public for three months until July, and just last night at that rally in Georgia, not only didn’t he wear a mask, but I was watching the rally, thousands of people packed together, none I could see wearing a mask.”

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.11925461   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa Attack Police, Vandalise Businesses, Burn Cars in Paris During Anti-Security Bill Protests


Paris erupted into chaotic scenes on Saturday as black bloc Antifa protesters assaulted police officers, vandalised storefronts, and set fires throughout the city.


The French Ministry of the Interior said that approximately 52,350 took to the streets of France to protest against the “global security” law, over a provision that could criminalise sharing footage of police officers online.


Some 5,000 demonstrators marched in Paris, with police saying that there were between “400 and 500 radical elements”, including “yellow vests” and “anti-fascist” activists, embedded within the protest. The Associated Press and local media identified violent infiltrators as “black blocs”.


The Antifa militants vandalised businesses, burned cars, and attacked police with projectiles. The left-wing agitators could be heard chanting, “Everyone hates the police” and the standard French Antifa battle cry: “Anti anti anticapitalistes.”


Les policiers sont attaqués à coups de marteau. Comme d’habitude l’extrême gauche peut tout se permettre, son impunité médiatique et judiciaire est totale.


— Damien Rieu (@DamienRieu) December 5, 2020


Justine Sagot, a journalist for the French broadcaster La Chaîne Info (LCI) — who was on-site at the protest — reported that one bank was particularly targeted by the far-left radicals, saying: “Hooded individuals broke the windows of the bank, took documents that were inside and burned them just in front of the building.”


“We have witnessed scenes of urban guerrilla warfare,” Sagot added.


The head of the Unité SGP Police Force Ouvrière union, Bruno Bartocetti, said: “This is urban violence, not a demonstration.”


The French minister of the interior, Gérald Darmanin, revealed that there were 64 arrests in total, with at least eight officers injured.


“The thugs are breaking the Republic,” he wrote on social media, offering his support for French police and gendarmes, saying: “Their courage and their honour command the respect of all.”


Nombreux incendies en cours à Paris en tête de cortège de la manif #StopLoiSecuriteGlobale


— Remy Buisine (@RemyBuisine) December 5, 2020

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.11925517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Most Scathing Election Theft Indictment in World History


Mainstream Media Censorship Proves Their Complicity in both the Criminal Conspiracy and the Ongoing Cover-up


The American people have never seen anything like it.


The POTUS gives a special prime time presentation explaining the greatest criminal conspiratorial “ELECTION THEFT” plot in U.S. history and the entire Mainstream Media universally censors it.


That can only mean one thing: the major corporate media corporations are all in on the steal.


What’s even more clear is that every major MSM organ of the propaganda and prevarication was/is a central co-conspirator in this scheme to steal the 2020 POTUS election. Each one of them is prominently configured in this plot to overthrow the President of the United States of America.

Election Theft of the Millennium


President Trump laid out the conclusive evidence last night in what will become known as “The Most Scathing Election Theft Indictment in World History”.


For those who missed it, here’s Trump’s excellent presentation.


Now let’s see how long it takes YouTube to unlawfully remove this critical video indictment. Clearly, Big Social Media and Big Tech are also key co-conspirators in this “Election Theft of the Millennium”.


Let’s also wait and see how quickly Facebook, Twitter and Instagram disallow posts that include the preceding video. Every major social network utility has illicitly censored both President Trump and conservative members since the day Trump first declared his candidacy in June of 2015. Because they have, thus far, gotten away with so many profound violations of the First Amendment, they now act with utter impunity. In so doing, however, they have also sealed their fate.


“Freedom of Speech”, as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, was listed as the First Amendment by the wise Founding Fathers for very good reason. Without it, the American Republic would have been consigned to a future of tyranny and totalitarianism. Which is quite similar to what the nation is experiencing at this defining moment.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:25 a.m. No.11925547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>5834 >>5937 >>6018

‘Paris, London, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Leipzig, Valencia, Liege, Rome. All Have had large Protests/riots in the last week, yet no media outlet wishes to show you”

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:28 a.m. No.11925581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5614 >>5834 >>5937

Italian Police Break Up Migrant Smuggling Ring, Arrest 19


Italian police on Saturday arrested 19 suspects, dismantling what authorities say was a criminal organization that moved migrants from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Pakistan to Italy and then into northern Europe.


The investigation, led by prosecutors in Catania, Sicily, unveiled a network that involved hired or stolen sailboats transporting migrants via Turkey and Greece to Italy. Some then traveled north to the French border and were smuggled by vehicle into France, thanks to human smugglers based in border towns, police said in a statement.


The arrested suspects included Iraqi Kurds, Afghans and Italians, police said.


One of the alleged ring’s bases was in Bari, southern Italy, where false documents were issued indicating the migrants had housing, a requirement for residency permits. Other bases were in Milan and Turin in northern Italy as well as in the town of Ventimiglia, near the French border.


Others allegedly involved in the scheme falsified work contracts so the migrants could successfully apply for permission to reside in Italy, authorities said.


The investigation began in 2018, triggered by the arrival of 10 boats near the eastern Sicilian city of Syracuse. The boats had sailed from Turkey and Greece in the Eastern Mediterranean, and not from Libya, from where for years the majority of the hundreds of thousands of migrants had set out for Italy in traffickers’ unseaworthy vessels.


The investigation ascertained the activities of a network of Italians and foreigners, most of the latter holding residency permits issued on grounds of international protection, the police said. The ring was “dedicated to facilitating the entrance, stay and transit toward northern Europe of migrants coming from Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.”


One suspect, police said, was about to transport migrants from the railroad station at Ventimiglia into France, one of the preferred destination countries for those being smuggled.


Skippers who were engaged to sail the boats to Sicily were paid about $1,000 (800 euros) per crossing, while migrants each paid about 6,000 euros ($7,200) to be smuggled from Asia, via Turkey and Greece, into Italy, the police said. The smuggling ring cracked by Italian authorities was an “essential link of connection with criminal groups active in Turkey and Greece,” police said.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.11925600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>5937

At the UN, NATO and EU Members Abstains on Nazism


The political significance of this vote is clear: NATO members and partners boycotted the Resolution which, first of all, calls into question Ukraine without naming it, whose neo-Nazi movements have been and are used by NATO for strategic purposes.


The United Nations Third Committee - in charge of social, humanitarian and cultural issues - approved on November 18 the Resolution "Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.


The Resolution, recalling that "The victory over Nazism in World War II contributed to the creation of the United Nations in order to save future generations from the scourge of war" raised alarm for the spread of neo-Nazi, racist, and xenophobic movements in many parts of the world.


he Resolution expressed "deep concern for the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and former members of the Waffen-SS" in whatever form. The Resolution, therefore, emphasized that "neo-Nazism is more than just the glorification of a past movement: it is a contemporary phenomenon." Neo-Nazi and other similar movements "fuel contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, antisemitism, Islamophobia, Christianophobia, xenophobia and related intolerance".


The Resolution therefore called on the States of the United Nations to undertake a series of measures to counter this phenomenon.


The Resolution, already adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 18, 2019, was approved by the Third Committee with 122 votes in favor, including the votes of Russia and China, two permanent members of the Security Council.


Only two members of the United Nations voted against it: The United States (a permanent member of the Security Council) and Ukraine.


The other 29 country NATO members, including Italy, certainly due to an internal directive, abstained. So did the 27 members of the European Union, 21 of them belonging to NATO. Among the 53 abstentions are also Australia, Japan, and other NATO partners.


The political significance of this vote is clear: NATO members and partners boycotted the Resolution that calls into question Ukraine first of all without naming it, Ukraine’s neo-Nazi movements have been and are used by NATO for strategic purposes.


There is ample evidence that neo-Nazi teams were trained and employed, under US / NATO direction, in the Maidan square putsch in 2014 and in the attack on Ukrainian Russians to provoke, with the detachment of Crimea and its return to Russia, a new confrontation in Europe similar to that of the Cold War.


The role of the Azov battalion - founded in 2014 by Andriy Biletsky, the "white Führer" who is a supporter of the "racial purity of the Ukrainian nation, which must not mix with inferior races," is emblematic.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:32 a.m. No.11925619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Gates briefed CIA on how to lobotomize Christian fundamentalists, religious “fanatics,” using vaccine that alters VMAT2 “God” gene?


Alleged CIA agent attending briefing: "So are you suggesting that I take a CT scan with me when I'm evaluating people to determine whether I need to put a bullet in their head?"


According to a video circulating on the web, Billionaire and eugenicist Bill Gates may have briefed agents with the Central Intelligence Agency giving them details on how to eliminate what the presenter and alleged agents in attendance at the meeting called the “fanatic” gene from the brains of Christian fundamentalists and other individuals that the government deems a threat.


If the video is truly authentic, a 49-year-old Gates would be heard telling bureau agents during a Project FUNVAC briefing back in April of 2005 that the human VMAP2 gene, also known as the “God gene,” can be altered using a vaccine.


According to the man on the video who appears to look somewhat similar to Gates, a project research team was able to map out notate a rather drastic difference in expression between to sample sets of human test subjects which he referred to as sample sets A and B during the briefing.


“So, our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people that have overexpression of the VMAP2 gene and by vaccinating them against this we will eliminate this behavior,” he told the alleged agents.


Shockingly, one agent who attended the briefing actually mentioned spreading a virus to contain this independent thought process in individuals which raises a major red flag especially since there is a major push right now to vaccinate not only all Americans and the entire world for that matter against COVID-19.


“So are you suggesting that I take a CT scan with me when I’m evaluating people to determine whether I need to put a bullet in their head?” one agent asked.


The presenter replied by saying that there is no need to do CT scans in the field because “the virus would immunize against this VMAP2 gene and that would have the effect that you see here which would essentially turn fanatic into a normal person and we think that that will have major effects.”


“So how do you propose this would be dispersed — via aerosol?”

CIA agent in attendance at meeting

Astonishingly, the presenter responded by admitting there is a plan to spread the virus using the flu or coronavirus as a cover.


“So, the present plan and the tests we have done so far have used respiratory viruses such as the flu or coronaviruses and we believe that this is a satisfactory way to get exposure to the largest part of the population — most of us have been exposed to both of those viruses and we’re quite confident that this will be a very successful approach.”

Presenter at alleged CIA briefing


To no surprise, a so-called fact check report out of the mainline publication Reuters claims the source video is fake.


You be the judge. Is the video fake or real?

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.11925638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5728 >>5756 >>5770 >>5779 >>5786 >>5834 >>5937

CONFIRMED: Hackers Strike and Leak Bill Gates, WHO, and Wuhan Lab Emails


FRN has confirmed reports that hackers have successfully hacked accounts belonging to Bill Gates, the WHO, and a lab in Wuhan believed to be the location researching coronavirus that received funding from Dr. Fauci.


The event appears to have taken place on or about April 20th.


Netizens have taken to activism and people are logging in via SSH and downloading the contents of these hacks. This means that many people will be combing through the hacked documents with a fine-toothed comb.


Hackers apparently looking for the truth behind the coronavirus outbreak have allegedly hacked the World Health Organization, the Wuhan biolab and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. A set of huge databases containing usernames and passwords has been leaked.


What are hackers looking for?


Many are speculating that the Gates Foundation is linked to the research of “gain of function”. This describes a function where scientists add deadly features to a virus. It was outlawed in the US back in 2015 by a moratorium and research was all migrated to Wuhan, where as FRN reported, Dr. Fauci funneled nearly $4 million USD to complete his research.


COVID-19 was ostensibly made in a lab. French Nobel prize winning scientist Luc Montagnier is publicly alleging that this is the case. According to him, there’s no possibility of this virus occurring naturally. It has the “insertion points” of 3 different viruses. That means it is a chimera of 3 separate diseases combined into 1 coronavirus.


In an interview given to French CNews channel and during a podcast by Pourquoi Docteur, professor Montagnier who co-discovered HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) claimed the presence of elements of HIV in the genome of the coronavirus and even elements of the “germ of malaria” are highly suspect, according to a report in Asia Times.


FRN will be following this story closely. Assembling various alleged first-hand accounts, FRN can paint the following picture which is subject to change and correction – and please email us if we have something wrong or have missed something big:


Thousands of emails, passwords, & documents have been said to have been leaked online. Screenshots of documents, emails, and their credentials are currently on the open web, even on Twitter.


A Christian hacker group known as Katehon is said to have had hacked Gates Foundation data and relayed this to another hacker group, USA Hackers. USA Hackers used the data to hack WHO, Wuhan Lab and the CDC, and promises more leaks.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.11925680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>5937

Netanyahu trial may face fresh delay as judges hint indictment must be revised


Court seems set to tell prosecutors to detail gifts allegedly given to PM, his specific requests for better news coverage; defense says investigators’ actions ‘extremely improper’


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial resumed on Sunday, with his lawyers asking the Jerusalem District Court to dismiss the charges against him due to alleged impropriety by police investigators probing the premier, and the judges indicating they intended to order prosecutors to explain why some parts of the indictment were not sufficiently detailed.


Such a decision would likely require prosecutors to correct the indictment, resulting in another significant delay in the schedule of the trial. The start of the evidentiary stage has already been pushed off by a month.


Netanyahu’s trial on charges of fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes opened in May. Though the prime minister attended the first hearing, he was granted an exemption from appearing at later, largely procedural stages of the trial, including Sunday’s hearing.


Sunday’s hearing began with procedures relating to Case 4000 — the most serious of the three cases against Netanyahu and the only one carrying a bribery charge — in which the premier is accused of approving regulatory moves benefiting Shaul Elovitch, the controlling shareholder of the Bezeq telecommunications group, in return for positive news coverage from the Elovitch-owned Walla news site.


It also discussed Case 1000, in which Netanyahu is accused of accepting some $200,000 in gifts such as cigars and champagne from two billionaires — Hollywood-based Israeli movie mogul Arnon Milchan and Australian magnate James Packer.


Due to coronavirus limitations, only three attorneys per defendant were allowed in the courtroom Sunday. Journalists were kept out of the room but were given access to a media screening in an adjacent courtroom.


An expanded courtroom is reportedly being constructed to accommodate more people for the coming stages of the trial. The trial marks the first time a prime minister has been indicted while in office, and a large audience is expected when the evidentiary stage begins in February.


Netanyahu denies any wrongdoing and has railed against the courts, prosecution, and media for what he terms a “witch hunt.”

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:45 a.m. No.11925740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5834 >>5937


Company that audited Dominion machines in Ga. has for years overseen testing of its voting software==


Pro V&V has been official "testing lab" of Dominion, according to federal records.


The technology company that last month performed an audit of Dominion Voting Systems machines in Georgia has for several years overseen testing of Dominion's voting software, federal records indicate.


Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced in mid-November that the results of a forensic analysis of Dominion voting machines in the state — ordered in the wake of controversies involving the nationwide election equipment vendor — revealed "no evidence of the machines being tampered."


To perform the audit, the state contracted Pro V&V, which Raffensperger identified as "a U.S. Election Assistance Commission certified testing laboratory." (The Election Assistance Commission is an independent agency of the U.S. government created under the 2002 Help America Vote Act. Among its functions is the certification of election equipment and accreditation of election system testing labs.)


Pro V&V is "qualified to test voting systems to Federal standards," the secretary of state's press release said.


Yet Raffensperger in that announcement failed to disclose that Pro V&V has a several-years-long relationship with Dominion, one in which the technology laboratory has served as the tester for much of Dominion's software.


U.S. Election Assistance Commission records show that Pro V&V has for multiple years served as the "testing lab" for Dominion's Democracy Suite voting software. Records from 2020, 2019 2018 and 2017 all list Pro V&V as the tester for several successive iterations of Democracy Suite.


Lab director has some prior work history with Dominion


The full extent of that relationship is at present not clear. Dominion had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.


Pro V&V offers relatively little information about itself on its own spartan website. It states that it was founded in 2011 "by individuals possessing a combined testing experience of over 30 years" and that it was accredited by the Election Assistance Commission in February, 2015. It appears to operate out of a single suite in an office building on the outskirts of Huntsville, Ala.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:49 a.m. No.11925791   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FACEPALM: Twitter Flags Trump Rally WiFi Password as 'Disputed'


Media covering President Trump’s rally in Georgia on Saturday hilariously had to enter the password “RiggedElection!” for a network called “Make America Great Again” to have access to Wi-Fi.


This is not the first time the Trump campaign has a trolled the media with Wi-Fi networks. At one of his pre-Election Day rallies in Michigan, the Wi-Fi network was set to “BidenBuiltTheCages” with the password “TrumpBuiltTheWall!!!”


The Georgia rally was held to support Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in their January 5 runoff elections.


But the most interesting part of the password used by Trump’s team is what happened when Jenna Ellis, the senior legal advisor to the campaign, tweeted a photo featuring a paper with the media’s WiFi login instructions:


Twitter, which seems to flag Trump posts like a reflex now, literally flagged this tweet with its usual disclaimer “This claim about election fraud is disputed.”


Disputed? It’s a Wi-Fi password. Are Jack Dorsey and the gatekeepers at Twitter so terrified about allegations of voter fraud they will literally flag a Wi-Fi password as disputed?


Apparently so.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:52 a.m. No.11925824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5937

Coalition Groups Urges US to Designate the Chinese Communist Party a Transnational Criminal Organization


U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently met with representatives of groups victimized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), who urged the administration to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization.”


Washington-based advocacy group Committee on Present Danger: China organized the groups to come together under the banner of the “Captive Nations Coalition,” which included representatives from the Tibetan, Uyghur, Inner Mongolian, Hong Kong, and Falun Gong communities, as well as people negatively impacted by Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, a massive foreign investment project that aims to advance the regime’s political and economic interests around the world.


Committee vice-chairman Frank Gaffney said the victim groups hoped to convey to the State Department their experiences of being suppressed by the regime, in the hopes of bringing home the message that “all of us are under threat from the global, totalitarian ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party.”


The meeting marked the first time that state department officials met with these groups together, according to participants. The representatives met with Pompeo; Robert Destro, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; and Miles Yu, Pompeo’s policy advisor, on Dec. 3.


The State Department did not respond to a request for comment.


Gaffney said the representatives urged the administration to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization” under U.S. law.


Such a designation would help “delegitimize the most odious and most dangerous entity in the world today,” Gaffney told NTD, an affiliate of The Epoch Times.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.11925846   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Election Day Information Blackout Shows U.S. Media Is No Friend of the People. Americans Must Demand Better


While half of the United States is mesmerized by witness testimony describing the ‘irregularities’ that purportedly occurred in the 2020 presidential contest between the incumbent Donald Trump and Joe Biden, the other half has been left deliberately in the dark by an activist media.


It has become almost a cliché to say that the United States is now fiercely divided into parallel universes, alternative realities, otherwise known as the Republican and Democratic camps. One of the primary reasons for this great divide, aside from the obvious ideological differences, is that just one side, that is, the left, predominantly controls the flow of news and social media content.


Indeed, the ‘legacy media’ even feels itself bold enough to cast judgment on presidential messages via Twitter in real time. If ever there was a recipe for disaster, as the most consequential election in recent memory remains up for grabs, this is it.


On November 30, Bobby Piton, a mathematician and expert, testified at the Arizona voter fraud hearing where he provided compelling evidence that up to 300,000 “fake people” cast a vote in the contested election of Nov. 3. The data, if correct, was alarming in its implications since it meant the difference between Trump or Biden winning the fiercely contested swing state. Certainly the major media networks, in the interest of safeguarding the voting process and consequentially democracy itself, would be interested in providing its viewers with such news, right? Think again.




…but Biden received so few votes legitimately that the perpetrators were forced to flood the polling system after hours, and they overwhelmed it, setting off gongs and whistles.


So now they’re forced to make believe the results were real.


— Zero Tolerance (@GradQuantico) December 3, 2020


Not only was Piton’s riveting testimony sent to the memory hole by all of the ‘legacy’ media networks, but Twitter actually decided to block his account the very next day. Piton was treated as yet another ‘conspiracy theorist’ nutcase who will probably need to enter some sort of re-indoctrination internment camp before he can join polite society again. He certainly won’t be in need of company if the thought police get their way.


Just days earlier, the social media platform also suspended the account of Pennsylvania state senator Doug Mastriano, who testified at that state’s election hearing. Twitter later said that Mastriano’s suspension was a “glitch,” which begs the question as to why these technological breakdowns almost always, without fail, target Republicans.

Anonymous ID: 7db669 Dec. 6, 2020, 10:58 a.m. No.11925866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5933 >>5937

Elections Expert Garland Favorito Not Allowed to Speak at State Hearing – Has Evidence of Dominion Vote Switching in Georgia


In November a Georgia poll watcher noticed the suspicious shift in votes from President Trump to Joe Biden while monitoring the interim election results on the Georgia secretary of state website.


Voter GA co-founder Garland Favorito swore in an affidavit last month with the secretary of state’s office that, “I concluded from looking at these results that this was an irregularity, since there was no obvious reason for President Trump’s totals to have decreased while former Vice President Biden’s totals increased dramatically.”


Favorito continued to research the Dominion voting machines fluctuations and “glitches” and found more evidence of votes being switched from President Trump to Joe Biden elsewhere in the state.


This past week elections officials in Ware County Georgia confirmed that they found votes switched from President Trump to Joe Biden when they entered equal numbers of ballots for each candidate through the Dominion Voting machines.


And Favorito, an independent, and his group Voter Georgia released a statement on the findings in Ware County.


Favorito was not allowed to testify last week. He believes it is because his testimony would expose the Secretary of State and his twisted sidekick Gabriel Sterling.


The Georgia Star News reported:


In an interview with The Georgia Star News, Favorito explained that the information didn’t indicate which machine flipped the votes – just that the mistake occurred.


“We did find that they had flipped votes – we didn’t have to obtain the machine to figure that out. The hand count showed that they had flipped votes somewhere in that county,” he said.


Favorito explained that he’d been slated as a top ten witness for Trump’s legal team during Thursday’s State Senate hearing. Just before he was called to the stand, Favorito told The Star that an administrative assistant for the committee informed him that he was bumped to the bottom of the list “at the chairman’s discretion.”


During an interview with The John Fredericks Show, Favorito claimed that he later discovered why he’d been moved down the witness list.