Anonymous ID: d1281b Dec. 6, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.11925486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5642 >>5760

Note: the following is from me based upon my findings and not from another source. Situation: Everyone needs to know that we are in a warfare situation at this time. The 2 sides primarily are 1. The Trump team which is composed of loyal patriots, civilian and military who are fighting to save our republic from a Communist backed takeover. Side 2: The Deep State/Swamp. This attempted takeover is aided and backed by the socialist democratic members of our government who have managed to get into high political positions over the years through payoffs, blackmail, and fraud. Many of these have done so for sheer monetary gain while knowingly doing the bidding of outside forces who wish the demise of the United States. Now please know that there are also republicans who are part of this group of traitors. The most nefarious and dangerous arm of these traitorous forces is the Main Stream Media.

As stated, this is a war that is being waged upon the Republic and the American people that is using the media to lie, manipulate and hide the truth. Therefore, be advised…the ONLY media you should get any information from are One American News and Newsmax. All others are comped and controlled. Mohawk mentioned above something about Alex Jones…Alex Jones is and has been for years something known as a “Counter Revolutionary” …his purpose and use has been to deflect the public focus onto non relevant tangents while also giving the false sense to the public that something was being done to oppose the “Deep State” therefore causing the public to falsely believe that because Alex Jones was “on it” they (the public) needed to do nothing. So…avoid AJ and all associated with him.

Also…know that FOX news has been comped also, but Hannity and Tucker Carlson have some strong contracts and FOX is allowing them to stay for now to prevent their viewership from doing a total crash.

As I stated before…the news has hidden all the facts that are happening. Out of the 6 state hearings that have happened over the past 2 weeks in Ga. Pa. Mi. Wi. Nv. And Az. Totaling almost 40 combined hours of evidence and testimony the news has covered less that 10 min of any of it and then they did so with 20-30 sec. sound bites that made Trumps team look bad or foolish. Of those 40 hours of testimony, I have watched about 33 hrs. myself and in doing so watched as a total so far of more than 5,000 sworn affidavits from both republicans AND democrats have been submitted as evidence of massive voter fraud. Plus, videos and physical evidence. Also…just yesterday a Judge in Mi. gave the Trump team access to 22 Dominion voting machines and a computer forensic team has arrived this morning and are collecting evidence at this time. You might find it interesting that a group of armed citizens surrounded the courthouse where the machines are and stood guard all night before the Trump team arrived to prevent anyone from tampering with the machines before the legal team arrived. Note: 1 Dominion machine was tested last week in a different location and it was found that the pre- installed software flipped a set percentage of votes from Trump to Biden. These machines were built to steel elections and they were used all over the country including Pa. 25% of Dominion was purchased in October of this year by China for 400 million dollars and all state governors who approved and bought these machines received HUGE kick backs for the purchase…Tom Wolf is one of these governors btw.

This is an assault on our republic…we have enemies both foreign and domestic which will be held accountable for this treasonous act…sedition and treason against this republic will not prevail. Like I said before…this is far from over. Everyone wants Trump to drain the swamp…but if you drain a swamp with out cutting off the source that fills the swamp…it will fill back up. The Swamp has been filled for the past 2 decades or longer by VOTE FRAUD! The Voter Fraud had to be STOPPED before the swamp could be drained…and that is what we are seeing now…this election…was a STING Operation! Stay tuned…going to get interesting in the next 5 weeks!