<blockquote class="parler-parley"<p lang="en" dir="ltr">Want to strike at the Deep State? Take this information, and run with it. The French telecommunications company "Free" hosts a massive amount of Child Pornography on their servers that is being trafficked all over the world through the darknet [examine: hadl10G-0(.) free(.)fr] - In order to fight the dark, you must turn on the light. Expose their hiding places. Root them out. Fight the REAL fight. link is purposefully broken with parentheses (Note: broken link is to the ftp server for those anons who want to map it out and monitor traffick through it in order to better understand what is being shown; it is not, in any way shape or form, a link to any illicit material.)</p> E. EWillHelpYou <a lang="en" dir="ltr" href="https://embed.parler.com/post/9af68e7371834027b31a1b3d9a8c37de" target="_blank"> Sunday, December 6, 2020 </a> </blockquote> <script async src="https://embed.parler.com/embed/parley-embed.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>