Your movies suck, Heretick.
Think of a garden, once planted neatly with good seed, that sprouted in fine rows and bore much seed.
Then think of an enemy who sowed evil seed that eventually caused the garden to become overgrown with vitality-sapping foreign plants, now grown into large trees obscuring the light, the roots of which are deeply woven throughout the entire garden.
What's to be done?
So the original Farmers saved seed in preparation for this day, so they trained THEIR seeds well for this day.
A deft use of casuistry. They didn't "find" it because they weren't looking. They weren't looking, because they already knew it. Then "enough" means they hope there isn't really enough exposure of their treason stick with the public to awaken the sleeping giant Public from his sleep. Finally by "overturn" he means return the votes they stole to its rightful owners, that sleeping Giant.