>>11925599 (PB)
FB requires login to view this. I HAVE an ancient account there. Used it to comment on one web site, one time, ~5 years ago. Not going to login on that account ever again.
Congrats on the dub-dubs, too. ;-)
Can anyone drag the video out of FB and over here?
>>11925633 (PB)
It's illegal to count ballots without observers. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those ballots needs to be deleted from the count but preserved for evidence.
>>11925492 (PB)
Yeah ... helluva canoe accident, eh? Strange that so many of us - - who don't even OWN canoes - - should have had this sort of accident in such a short time.
>>11925496 (PB)
The verse he is asking you to cite doesn't exist. So that makes YOU the division faggot unwilling to deal in facts.
>>11925448 (PB)
I really wish that Azar had reproved him: "No, sir, Joe Biden is not the President Elect until the electoral college says so. What the media has to say on the issue doesn't matter ... and never has."