Anonymous ID: aa2573 Dec. 6, 2020, 1:36 p.m. No.11927327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7356 >>7523 >>7526

Pelosi Wants Her House Election Losses Overturned by Perkins Coie – Democrats Forgot About the House When They Were Packing their Suitcases


Voracious and corrupt Nancy Pelosi wants her House losses overturned by the dirty dossier funder and election rule changing Marc Elias.


Democrats were supposed to win 15 seats in the US House this year.

But the pollsters were all wrong (again) and the House Democrats lost at least 15 seats instead.


Evidently Democrats forgot about the House seats when they were packing their suitcases?


Now Nancy Pelosi wants her election losses overturned. Not because of fraudulent ballots, or observers being locked out of the counting rooms for two days, or computer glitches that added Democrat votes to Republican opponents. Pelosi wants them overturned because her feelings are hurt.


These are the same people who want President Trump to concede to the senile man in the basement after vans and suitcases of ballots were driven into ballot counting arenas after election day. reported:


Democrats are challenging the results in two close House elections in Iowa and New York — and are represented by Marc Elias, the same attorney who led the party’s nationwide efforts to expand vote-by-mail.


According to multiple reports, the Democrats plan to appeal to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and the House Administration Committee to certify at least one of the candidates as the winners — even if the Republican candidate appears to have more votes as counted by state election authorities.


Under the Federal Contested Elections Act, the House can step in and certify a winner in close and contested races. The Democrats last did so in 1985, when the House Administration Committee declared Rep. Frank McCloskey (D-IN) the winner of a close race in which his Republican challenger, Richard McIntyre, was certified as the winner by state election authorities. Democrats used their House majority to seat McCloskey and Republicans walked out of the chamber in protest.

Anonymous ID: aa2573 Dec. 6, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.11927385   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391

Operation Warp Speed is a CCP-engineered conspiracy to cause mass vaccine casualties across the United States military


Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 5th) lays out stunning details on a grand, wartime conspiracy involving Operation Warp Speed. This vaccine program to mass vaccinate U.S. military personnel is actually phase two of a CCP-engineered bioweapons attack on America that began with the release of the SARS-cov-2 coronavirus, and now proceeds to the mass injections of U.S. troops with a dangerous, largely untested and experimental vaccine that already shows a 100% rate of side effects in high-dose study subjects.


The new mRNA platform used for these vaccines hijacks the body’s cells, invading ribosomes and causing them to churn out non-human proteins which invade the blood. These proteins cause the body to attack itself in a “cytokine storm” of inflammation and autoimmune disorders, resulting in neurological damage, infertility, tissue damage and even death.


Perhaps that’s why US Army General Gus Perna, in explaining the purpose of this program, says, “We’re ready to execute.” (Source:


To understand China’s role in achieving this stunning tactical outcome whereby its enemy (the United States) injures or kills potentially millions of its own soldiers through a dangerous mass vaccination program, you first have to remember the so-called “OPM hack” that was first discovered in 2016.


The OPM hack gave China intimate details on nearly all U.S. military personnel and government officials


The “OPM hacks” refers to China’s penetration and exfiltration of over 22 million personnel data files from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, discovered in June of 2015.


As J. David Cox, head of the AFGE government union, explained at the time, this hack compromised extremely intimate details about all members of the military and government:


We believe that the Central Personnel Data File was the targeted database, and that the hackers are now in possession of all personnel data for every federal employee, every federal retiree, and up to one million former federal employees.


The hacked data included social security numbers, fingerprints, dates of birth, pension status, gender, race, age and former addresses. More importantly, it also contained intimate psychological profile information such as:


Sexual behavior, perversions, and sexual activities lacking in discretion.

Risk of foreign exploitation, a metric that quantified an individual’s ability to be influenced by foreign interests.



Anonymous ID: aa2573 Dec. 6, 2020, 1:45 p.m. No.11927391   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7439



China knows that Trump will resist the coup and may use the military to defend the republic, so China devises a second plan to compromise key personnel at DoD who are involved in Operation Warp Speed.

China makes sure that decisions are made to accelerate vaccine deployment across the military itself, even helping to prioritize certain types of military personnel for the first wave of vaccines, such as cyber command personnel and missile submarine troops.

Through China’s influence, DoD personnel choose McKesson to help distribute the first vaccine, knowing that McKesson is already involved in the mass killing of military-aged males across America, via the opioid epidemic.

Pfizer is chosen for its vaccine because the mRNA platform causes the body to turn into a biological weapon against itself, resulting in hyperinflammatory events and, in some cases, severe injury and death (autoimmune reactions are often the cause).

China knows that the vaccines will be deployed at almost the exact time the US Supreme Court is due to rule on the outcome of US elections. With a pro-Trump ruling, the radical Left will erupt and attempt a kinetic coup against the United States government. At this very moment, however, U.S. troops will be weakened by the injuries, hospitalizations and deaths caused by the experimental vaccine. This will allow China to deploy its own troops with much less resistance.

Mark Esper, who was fired by Trump and replaced by Christopher Miller, was one of the key decision makers in this entire process. Esper is widely believed to be influenced by anti-American forces and is well known to be strongly opposed to Trump.

At the same time, China is of course running Big Tech and controlling the censorship algorithms that silence pro-America voices. China also controls nearly the entire U.S. media, including the NYT, WSJ, WashPost, CNN, etc., and in fact China has a documented record of openly paying these news organizations hundreds of millions of dollars to push pro-CCP propaganda.


Also remember that the first wave of vaccines will spread the pandemic, unleashing a “second wave” of lockdowns that will further destroy the U.S. economy.

The election war, the covid war, the censorship war, the media war, the culture war: It’s ALL THE SAME WAR: A war with Communist China


What every American needs to understand here is that every war we’re fighting right now, including cyber wars, information warfare, psychological warfare, economic warfare, etc., is all a war with Communist China.


China has infiltrated and compromised every institution and every layer of the United States, and it is exerting influences to destroy the United States of America from within.


Nearly all Democrats are controlled by China. From Sen. Feinstein, to Nancy Pelosi, to Gov. Newsom and countless others, all these people are on China’s payroll and function as spies and operatives for the CCP.


Trump’s battle against election fraud is really a battle against communist China, which also, it turns out, owns the Dominion Voting Systems machines that were used to rig the elections in the first place.



Anonymous ID: aa2573 Dec. 6, 2020, 1:51 p.m. No.11927448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7523

Orange County Sheriff Hammers Newsome in EPIC Press Release Regarding Mask Policing


Every now and then there’s a Sheriff who really gets it right. We’ve found that Sheriff today.


Please see my statement regarding Southern California being placed under the Governor’s regional stay-at-home order.


Please see my statement regarding Southern California being placed under the Governor’s regional stay-at-home order.

— OC Sheriff Don Barnes (@OCSheriffBarnes) December 5, 2020