Thanks for baking for us BO. Been a strange evening. Last bread was riddled with bs. Seems like the shills went to bed, now it's just a few of us here.
I was thinking about how the plan takes some time to play out. If people had been arrested up front, they would have the right to remain silent. By allowing them the appearance of freedom, they are chatting up a storm. I can only imagine them meeting all their contacts and giving away all the goods, while our white hats see and hear everything. I trust the plan.
This could literally be the calm before the storm. Weird vibe tonight. Don't think it was the shills. Actually had me a little concerned about e-attacks. But this seems more of a natural weirdness.
Evil fuck for sure. JFK, probably. But I've also wondered who was his boss. Is his boss still around?
Any sauce? What is the connection?
Funny how a lot of things I've researched and thought about brought me to this point to with you anons. I was wrong about Trump before election night. But when he won, I started looking back at things he had said. He literally won me over by telling the truth.
FLOTUS has guts to stand among "them," knowing what we know. Very strong woman for our stable genius.
kek kek kek
Mittens and I had been to that bar. We had to leave early. It was full of faggots.
< add to notables
>We are at WAR, this board is (((their))) target.
Q said, learn to play the game.
I take that as knowing that we have an opponent and play to win. Considering the stakes, this is not a game.
When someone does not know who they are or what they believe, they open themselves up to anything.
< no style