I don't subscribe to any particular thought-system (My Mind is Free).
I gave you the interpretation that suits this discussion and the forum it's in.
Also, I'm not just communicating with you, I'm debriefing other anons also, and that requires using their archetypes.
If it makes you more comfortable, imagine Adam Qadmon as the Rainbow Body/Liberated Man, what-have-you.
To clarify, this IGNORANCE you speak of if a result of GENETIC CONFUSION, and the "PROBLEM" you speak of must be corrected on an individual nature [Genetic Cleansing/Reset/Detox of the Individual]. Otherwise, there will continue to be a divide [Genetic Superiority thru Tech] vs [Genetic Inferiority]. All philosophy dies in the face of Nature, and all technology can be overcome by Nature, so this hypothetical future is just a repeat of previous cycles, macro and microcosmically speaking.
Unless you propose the active Bodhisattvas come together an harmonize this world by generating the proper Mind-Field, this is a conversation that will lead us back to the same conclusion:
People must change, and it starts with their thoughts, or rather, the end of their thoughts!
Personally, I am no longer interested in being a shepherd to sheep when men and women must be led.
My stone is still sinking in this ocean, and it's waves are ceaseless. Throwing pebbles into crashing waves does nothing but express anger and frustration to a Void of Action.