"If you pay close attention, you'll find a kind of "subconscious signature" in the way someone writes"
Ah, writing styles. Someone wrote a program that did analysis after 5000 words.
Depending on circumstance, I could probably pull a major part of someone's personal history from a couple of sentences that talk nothing about their personal history.
"you can even identify their multiples"
Alternate personalities. My exposure to individuals (compared to my entire personal history) with MPD is very limited. From what little I've seen, the alternates writing style tends to be a variation (usually uneven caps) of the main line.
Demons are even easier to spot. Despite speaking many languages, even after 2,000 years they still don't quite get the hang of singular versus plural pronouns (they appear to work in a hive mind, so 'we' is their telltale phrase. 'We should do <insert X evil thing here>').
As a grammatical pedant that spot has probably foiled over half of their attempts. Humans under the influence echo the same mob mentality. 'Where WE go one, WE go all'. Even off a cliff? Pass.
"The news was gratifying, encouraging, scary, and clarifying all at once."
Previously I've used passive observation to get people to see the news echoing comments. But now I've broken the fourth wall - negotiation tactics.
You might have noticed Brexit flubbed recently, as if they have no idea what to do. Guess who's playing hardball?
"Sometimes it's heartbreaking replying to others on imageboards, because while the knowledge I share is meant to help, very often I end up paying for sharing that knowledge."
Insert alien parasite theory here.
On a less depressing note, I find the 'returns' on good deeds are always unconventional. Over half of my current successes were from hardwork and support for others years earlier.
The people who need help can't repay, but payment I find comes in an abstract form. Be wary of giving charitibly to evil people or people who will misuse the charity - I find that incurs punishment (not of the deep state variety).
Regardless, we can help each other, which from my experience, two people assisting has an exponential return than them individual working solo (and I used to shun teamwork projects hard).