"Do you know what it's like for consecutive strangers to relate intimate details about your personal life, without them meaning to?"
I'm pretty sure it's intentional, that's my experience of it. The only issue is, I'm not MK-Ultra programmed. Instead, I use the references to my personal life to 'wake up' people around me when they see such ideas and references. At first, it's always brushed off as coincidence.
I always like to challenge them to pick a subject. They do. When it appears - or they find their own research mysteriously turning up - they usually freak. Then it gets accepted as something that just happens.
"I speak fluent MK. I PROGRAM them. I'm, like, meta-famous, if that even makes sense."
Assuming you're legitimate (there's a lot of people who claim things, so apologies for my skeptism), you're actually 'their' biggest weak point, even if they treat you as though dirt.
MK-Ultra, from what I could reverse engineer, is largely standardised. It's like a conventional backdoor in a computer. Anyone can, hypothetically, use it. The CIA Vault 7 leaks were interesting, to say the least, although I suspect they changed the 'passcodes', I've been eagerly awaiting another public message I could reverse engineer.
But it looks like you hold all the keys.
Right now, you're arguably the most powerful person on this planet. As a pacifist myself, I'm not exactly sure what you would do with an army of sleeper cell assassins and prostitutes with blackmail material on people - killing people with said assassins would just be hypocritical.
At the moment, I've just being using what few I can influence to leak information to specific outlets.
I strongly suspect this narrow minded network of rich bastads has a few key lynchpins that, if neutralised (either by public exposure or whatever) would bring the entire system down, but I'm still largely blind to the network.
Any tips?
If the MK-Ultra codes became public, it would mean end-game, in my opinion, because it means anyone could influence the assassins, and thus, the sleeper army plan by the Nazi dick-sucking CIA would be thwarted.
But what do I know? I only play RTS games.