You mentioned normies susceptibility to a manufactured EM grid due to our lack of access to our zero-point field.
how would one go about accessing this field (beyond the "Common" knowledge ideas of.. go meditate… eat organic or whatever else people parrot).
"I hacked the world grid in 2015 when I broke programming (the second time)"
-how did you go about doing this? what does it entail and require?
I'm curious as someone who has always felt removed from the majority of people. Entertainment choices, what I believe in (edited history, disenchanted with mainstream "Science" [i have a neuroscience degree and wont even touch the field because I know how useless academia research is unless its a dark project], always feeling out-of-place in any group, as a few examples.
I feel I'm missing a bit of personal history, which I've chalked up to alcohol abuse [former] and memory editing from constant recall/redesignation over years.