You hit the nail on the head.
However, one is not sans-demons once one is programmed.
Most "demons" are ideas (principalities) that have been implanted (programmed) into the human-animal since birth.
It starts with the smack on the bottom, then the now-imposed circumcision of baby boys, and on and on, indeed, until death.
THE FALL of human kind (from a previous civilization - well documented) was the superimposition of a false holographic grid/field/infrastructure on top of the Natural Cosmic Grid (ley lines/chakras/nadas/points&meridians).
LANGUAGE is, essentially, the problem, because these "demons/programs" attached themselves to natural and cosmic bodies. In other words, they put their faces and names on EVERYTHING in our visible world an said "This is Ours, Not Yours." Because of the nature of holographics, however, and the fact this was intended, Human adapted the very same "This is Mine, I am Sepaparate" mentality, and thus, thousands of LANGUAGES were born (CONFUSION/CHAOS).
The Human Archetype, must change!
And my friend, Programming (Zombifying) must end!
There is already a Singular "Program" in place, and it's simple, and it can be measured, recorded, exacted, refined, and manifested without instruments or human interpretation. The mind is a processor, not a dictator or generator. It was given Lordship over the body, when we surrendered our Hearts (EMF Field Centers) to the SIN (The Moon!) when we submitted to the Lunar/Saturnian Grid (ref. Sumerians).
For your consideration:
Krishna's Wheel - The Free Energy (EMF) Grid
The False Grid