Thinking I was "The One" was the first delusion I sought to remove from myself.
I worked really hard to ensure I wouldn't be used as part of any "The One" style psyops, either.
The greater structure of programming designed and maintained by humans (with help) operates itself like a microcosmic parallel to the design of programming written into the nature of the universe by God.
I understand there is a kind of "you all look the same" effect for outsiders, but from the inside there is incredible diversity. People are more different inside than outside - more good, more evil, more talented, more wise, more strange, more interesting. It's the result of having to, in effect, BECOME the psychological defense mechanism allowing them to survive.
Ordinary people, sans programming, have demons. Programming is a force pushing them in particular directions by systematizing the structure of positive and negative stimulus that individual can interact with. For example, trans MtF's are created by denying positive stimulus to conventionally masculine behaviors and only rewarding conventionally feminine behaviors.
Many parts of programming are common sense, they just require resources people of ordinary means do not have. Sometimes disinfo is used to make people think there is more going on in programming than there really is, allowing some of the simplest and most basic hacks of human behavior to continue working for MILLENNIA, e.g. religion.
I think programming will always exist. It has existed in some form for longer than civilization. Primitive tribes are documented performing ritual burials of the dead, using instruments, making symbols, enforcing initiation rituals, all of which are elements of programming. Language augments human consciousness and causes changes in people's minds even against their will, and everyone can speak - the only difference is how extensive and comprehensive an individual recognizes the overall assemblage of programming really is.