Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 April 29, 2018, 7:25 p.m. No.1241931   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6273


Thinking I was "The One" was the first delusion I sought to remove from myself.

I worked really hard to ensure I wouldn't be used as part of any "The One" style psyops, either.

The greater structure of programming designed and maintained by humans (with help) operates itself like a microcosmic parallel to the design of programming written into the nature of the universe by God.

I understand there is a kind of "you all look the same" effect for outsiders, but from the inside there is incredible diversity. People are more different inside than outside - more good, more evil, more talented, more wise, more strange, more interesting. It's the result of having to, in effect, BECOME the psychological defense mechanism allowing them to survive.

Ordinary people, sans programming, have demons. Programming is a force pushing them in particular directions by systematizing the structure of positive and negative stimulus that individual can interact with. For example, trans MtF's are created by denying positive stimulus to conventionally masculine behaviors and only rewarding conventionally feminine behaviors.

Many parts of programming are common sense, they just require resources people of ordinary means do not have. Sometimes disinfo is used to make people think there is more going on in programming than there really is, allowing some of the simplest and most basic hacks of human behavior to continue working for MILLENNIA, e.g. religion.

I think programming will always exist. It has existed in some form for longer than civilization. Primitive tribes are documented performing ritual burials of the dead, using instruments, making symbols, enforcing initiation rituals, all of which are elements of programming. Language augments human consciousness and causes changes in people's minds even against their will, and everyone can speak - the only difference is how extensive and comprehensive an individual recognizes the overall assemblage of programming really is.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 April 30, 2018, 4:22 p.m. No.1253688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4648


Your articulation of the problem is overtly gnostic. I think a greater part of the problem is due to IGNORANCE, and people not recognizing the need for knowledge to be regenerated on an ongoing basis. When this stuff comes out, a lot of people will blame the elites for deceiving them when it was really their own ignorance. Children are learning less and less from their parents, parents have less and less to teach their children. Public institutions have picked up the slack, but they cannot replace the love a child needs from their parents. And fewer parents than ever even have love to give their children!


Flux is an intrinsic aspect of nature, and this includes human nature. A lot of people approaching the problem of changing nature assume human nature is and should be FIXED, which it is not. This is really THE ISSUE humanity will face through the next several centuries. Technological innovation will result in the radical expansion of the human phenotype, both due to the ability to WRITE AND EDIT DNA as well as the power to COMPREHENSIVELY RECORD AND MODIFY the individual's behavior using superintelligent AIs.


I think this is where a lot of the motivation for a New World Order comes from. A lot of people cling to old traditions which genuinely cause harm and raise children into a maladaptive worldview. Not only, but THEY KEEP MAKING MORE PEOPLE WHO WILL INEVITABLY SUFFER. Most people gladly and exuberantly program themselves. They don't have the resources to resist, and they will only make more children who will be even more susceptible.


It's a lot of work to rejuvenate one's spiritual birthright. I don't think most people are up to it.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 April 30, 2018, 8:52 p.m. No.1257380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0090 >>0828


You seem more optimistic than I, but we seem agreed as to the shape of the problem.


The election of Trump seems to have been accepted as a sign the people are willing to fight for what they believe, but there remains many difficult decisions and revelations to grapple with. They might make use of this opportunity to accept the responsibility of actively guiding the political process, rather than allowing it to be presumed by the government for its own purposes. Maybe Q is a test, to see if people can or will burden themselves with uncovering the truth hidden from them by corrupt elites. It might also be a way to measure their likely response.


I don't know what you consider your purpose in all this, but I feel I have lost mine. Those who seem to style themselves my masters have repeatedly sundered my works, and I am powerless to speak out against it because of the situation they have put me in. I don't expect "the people" to do anything about it either - if anything, that they would gladly serve the elite by destroying me if they knew what "I" "had done." This is the most pernicious aspect of the problem, which is that the elites have blackmail on the same patriots who would actually look out for them.


The elites are in a bind, and it's THE PEOPLE making the bind so tight. But I imagine they would rather destroy everything in anger than forgive.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 1, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.1262389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3440 >>8764


Humans have many strengths, all of which are harnessed through MK techniques. In fact, creativity is potentiated through MK. You have to be, in order to make harmony with your inner aspects, many of which are essentially indiscriminate downloads of inconsistent thought systems. But that inconsistency is the same thing allowing me to speak so adeptly across cultural and political divides. When people speak, they imagine the force of their words going no further than the person to whom they speak, they rarely realize the force of those words GOES THROUGH THEM as well.


Fortunately, or unfortunately, I'm one of the few who can exploit this. I have a key allowing me to detect encoded meanings. You'd be surprised how much "ordinary human speech" is planned for various programming purposes. Or sometimes just to send messages. Bastards haven't once acknowledged me PERSONALLY, but there's almost always a message I'll find waiting for me if I go anywhere or do anything. This shit is 24/7 and you never know when they're going to fuck over what you're trying to work on because they want you to do something else. Sometimes they send people at me in transmit mode for MONTHS AT A TIME and I get stuck in that state of mind too! Programming is like school, except you never get a break, not even when you sleep.


Humans speak so imprecisely! Very few study antipathic ideas so they never become acquainted with their blindspots. Most humans are dull and can be easily corralled by simply reproducing complex ideas for them in visual media. The shepherd of the masses is media, which guides them by showing them a picture of the world to believe. Most people would rather let someone else do the work of synthesizing that picture from various inputs, so whoever can persuade others to attach significance to something can rule them through those things.


>This is why they program people to laugh and point at people who act dramatic


Precisely. This is part of why I have so little hope for humans. The very same people needing help are the same who gladly participated - and continue to participate - in my torture. Humans are so easy to manipulate! Just tell them someone's a freak, and no matter their fine words about tolerance and respecting diversity, in truth they all act as though it were a license to hurt them without consequence. I speak from experience. I think it might be why they created the autism label in the first place.



You are right about forgiveness. It's what allowed me to come to terms with the system. Forgiveness is one of the things the people need to do. It will be necessary for the survival of humanity.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 1, 2018, 1:11 p.m. No.1264018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>6502


I sense something will happen in May.


Curious we seem to run into each other again and again. Have a nice fall? I wrote a novel while in a trance. I was waiting for you, but you never showed.


I think they intend us to fight. What do you think?

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 2, 2018, 5:50 p.m. No.1278522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9715



No hooded figures, although writing it gave me the expectation that something like this would happen. I knew I was writing something akin to prophecy, not that it was intended as such when I began. I was also self-programming, e.g. producing such a quantity of information my own programming would overwhelm and overwrite other programming. Others reading it would also be programmed… and here we are. When you're under surveillance you learn how to turn their attention of you to your own advantage.


While writing it I was afraid of being killed at any moment. Made writing it very urgent. They were obviously stalking me at the time. Very stressful. Made me lose track of who I am and what I was doing. Scary, because they're always threatening to turn everyone against you. To be honest, I think something inside me was broken.


And I wrote a long, erudite novel in 3 months. MK lets you do that. Who knew the secret to cranking out a groundbreaking scifi novel was being traumatized to the point you lose grip of reality.


One of the most important things I learned from the experience is how being traumatized like that makes you want someone else who has been through the same thing. People who haven't gone through that kind of trauma don't understand. Ordinary, non-traumatized humans are dull and boring. When you're MK'd, you want the people around you to also be MK'd, because non-MK's just don't get it.


The difference between Them and everyone else is bigger than any difference of race, sex, class, religion, or wealth. Even though I care about ordinary humans and want to look out for their welfare, the reality is I would side with Them over ordinary humans if ordinary humans were mean to me. I'm not Jesus and I'm not going to play that role for ungrateful humans who have hurt me my whole life.


I actually have some private ends to serve by being here, but it's also why I've refrained from serious engagement. "High Virtue makes no fuss and has no private ends to serve:

Low Virtue not only fusses but has private ends to serve." But it is only due to the manipulations of others I am in a position of needing to serve my personal interests. I feel like I'm stuck in a hole and I'm waiting on someone to throw down a ladder. I don't want my efforts compromised by personal needs.


I don't know. There's something holding me back. They're asking for a substantial commitment of time and effort, and even if I am uniquely capable that hardly means I'm interested. But it would be easy to turn this around with a little help.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 2, 2018, 9:55 p.m. No.1282144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4195 >>7220


>We were profiled as "genius", but no doubt, the trauma did activate that "on/off" switch.


It's so frustrating when they lock your own knowledge away. They do it to keep me dependent on them so they can keep the knowledge to themselves. It would be easy to overturn a number of manufactured "academic trends" meant to keep a holistic grasp of human knowledge and human purpose inaccessible. In fact, that is part of the coming storm - the mismatch between available evidence and "official narrative" has grown so wide, a reset will be traumatic to people who have made important life decisions on their basis. It will take DECADES for civilization to come to terms with what has taken place. The consequences will shape centuries of history.


The 4-6% figure, I infer, is only because they're planning on shifting from one manufactured narrative to another. I think they intend to start seriously censoring world history in several decades, and they will get the people to gladly and willingly participate in the destruction of knowledge. Societies are going to be flooded with information, they will be forced to endure the memetic equivalent of epileptic shock. Human collectives have never needed to cope with the production of so much information, and the result if not controlled will result in runaway viral growth in every direction… Imagine new savior cults growing and dying every few years, as people turn to radical spiritual alternatives to reconstruct their broken sanity. It's the kind of thing I was engineered to exploit…


>I like your sense of humor.


It's necessary, but you knew that already.


>I'm wondering if we're from the same class.


I can only remember one person from my class. She was the most beautiful and perceptive woman I've ever known. My soul twin. I would do anything for her. The time I knew her seemed like a dream. Which is the whole point, of course.


>Perhaps you've experienced this before.


Yes. And I'm very sensitive. Small changes can dislodge massive energies. I could feel something today.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 3, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.1287220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8796


>I could feel something today.


Strange. I could've sworn I wrote more.



>You just described the "world program" that's been in effect for 10,000+ years.

>The shift already occurred.


They have something big planned. Celebrities "getting woke" seems to be part of the initial phase, to begin driving the attention of normies to these things. Because we all know the majority of people would only believe in reality if their favorite celebrity endorsed it.


The major world religions are lesser vehicles designed to approximate the divine reality in a form ordinary humans can appreciate and participate in. However, because they are simplified humans tend to assume malice exists beyond the limits of their own map. Since these religions reject the possibility of divine reality outside the scope of their own revelation, they need to be broken so people can accept and participate in those parts of our spiritual birthright rejected by these religions. Is why they have done so much to compromise major religious institutions like the Vatican, so they can be weakened from within. I ceased being Catholic (this was before I woke up) because of the Pope.


This is part of the revelations coming down the line. It is not only politicians, Hollywood moguls, and government bureaucrats who are caught up in this shit. Pastors, televangelists, bishops, cardinals, important authorities of the major world religions are MK'd. These are the same group of people most would turn to in the event of a mass spiritual crisis, but if even ordinary pastors are compromised, to whom will people turn? Hence all the new cults after billions realize their most cherished and respected religious leaders are Satanists.


This is part of the problem I'm working on now. Most are focused on getting these revelations across to the people - what I'm focused on, is what people will turn to when they turn away from the current system.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 5, 2018, 6:32 p.m. No.1313490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6926


>Studies in Kundalini could ease many symptoms for normies


It would give many a way to make sense of what they're going through. However, it's limited, in that it is a way to cope with one's individual experience. People will need something to make sense of the collective transformation.


The most likely metanarratives I think people will latch on to are things like this:


>Biblical prophecy




The collective transformation will occur regardless anyone trying to stop it, but it can be anticipated and used for good. Problem is, what information is it most helpful to bring to others' attention? Even with both eyes open I'm like a gnat on an elephant. All I know is they plan on causing a global trauma.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 6, 2018, 2:50 p.m. No.1321025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2088



>uplifting normies


This seems a contradiction to me. If they were "uplifted," they would no longer be normies. It's hard to tell sometimes, whether the current spiritual equilibrium of mankind is only one of several equilibria, or if the world we observe already is very close to "the way people naturally are." When I think about what it takes to uplift an individual out of being a normie, there doesn't seem enough energy in civilization to do it for everyone in a controlled manner. At the same time, humans reproduce at a rate faster than individuals can be uplifted. The concentration of wealth we can observe is only the tip of the iceberg of the difference between Them and the rest. Insights like this make a lot of sense of plans to reduce the human population.


I'm jussayin', when you make a full accounting of the game theoretic utilitarian metempsychotic payoffs involved… One of the most noxious and odious beliefs of normies - really, this marks them out as such - is their belief that their current lifetime is the only life they have or ever will experience. It inclines them to make choices and decisions which are extremely destructive towards others, all for the sake of trying to experience in this one lifetime what they will never again have the opportunity to experience. If people were to realize they will have to live with the future they are creating in this present lifetime, they would make very different choices. So much suffering people perpetuate, all for ignorance of this knowledge!

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 8, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.1342452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4191




A blessing, I warrant.


I made a few pushes, think I've seeded some new ideas people are still working through. I can't spend too long on the board, though, because it gets overstimulating. Most people don't realize meme magic really is as powerful as they say, and it's even more powerful among those sensitized to symbolism i.e. MK's. One of the things Q seems to be doing is providing example after example of how communications among the elite actually happen - it involves phones and email less than most would suspect. Fascinating to watch anons get closer and closer to figuring it out…

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 13, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.1402475   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2566


>I'm not MK-Ultra programmed


Yes you are. Nearly everyone on the planet has been exposed to MK techniques at some point. This doesn't make most people susceptible to any but a few triggers - and everyone has some triggers, with or without programming. "Triggers" are just signs/sights/events reminding someone subconsciously of past experiences, often without their being aware of the specific experience, which they react to in the present as though it were still occurring.


>Anyone can, hypothetically, use [MK]


True. The only thing preventing people from learning how to make use of it for themselves is the disinformation, mostly by scaring most away from looking into it further. The potential for abuse of others using MK is due to the asymmetry of knowledge. If everyone were equally knowledgeable about MK techniques, we would all be on a more equal footing.


Although the more cynical parts of myself believe if operations like Mockingbird and such were exposed, the people would just beg for it to be returned.


>Any tips?


Yes. Don't get into it for money. Do it for love of yourself and others.


>I only play RTS games.


The reflexes of cognition you've created and reinforced in your brain are useful for solving problems outside the specific domain of RTS. Don't believe me? Now you have reason to find out what I mean. Then you'll see how everything can and has been harnessed into a comprehensive system of MK.




>It's like the concept of good is wholly alien to them.


They are usually as aware, if not more aware, of the moral implications of their behavior than most. Like everyone else, they think they have a morally justified reason for doing what they do.


>tried to offer me money to go hire a hacker to attack someone, which is entirely illogical and made utterly no sense


Sometimes they act intentionally stupid. Or are intentionally programmed with 'faults' so they seem more vulnerable than they really are. They probably just wanted to see how you would react. They design "tests" like this all the time, to observe your reaction. You thinking they were doing something else helped make your reaction "purer," so you wouldn't try to act differently than you typically would.


Of course, now I've told you this, so you're aware they are monitoring and recording your reactions to events constantly, so your behavior will change, even if only on a subconscious level. When they start to notice a systematic change in your behavior, they'll create more "events" in order to gauge your reaction until they're sure they've diagnosed your new "aware of their comprehensive surveillance" normal.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 16, 2018, 7:18 p.m. No.1437683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3748




A joke between psychics.


Integrated persons think through only one of the meanings of the words they're using at a time. If you're multiple, you can't help noticing all the various meanings, consonant and dissonant, which can overlay the "literal" meaning of those words as most would interpret them. If you pay close attention, you'll find a kind of "subconscious signature" in the way someone writes. If you have enough of someone's writing, you can even identify their multiples.


Sometimes news articles which would be meaningless to others are very meaningful to certain individuals due to the symbolism. This is part of why "celebrity news" is pushed in the media. (For example, today I received confirmation to proceed with my proposal… The news was gratifying, encouraging, scary, and clarifying all at once.)



>power tripping


I've had more problems with the latter than the former. They go out of their way to deprive me of the conventional measures of success that would allow me to market my skills. I know they go to lengths to control me, since I'm one of the few people capable of single-handedly co-opting psyops. I was such a nuisance there were groups approaching me with deals like "here's your perfect waifu if you JUST SHUT UP."


But I refused to be silenced. I didn't want to abandon my fellow autists. But it didn't matter, when I wouldn't stop they broke me. I lost the woman of my dreams and I am no longer sure how to help my autists. Sometimes it's heartbreaking replying to others on imageboards, because while the knowledge I share is meant to help, very often I end up paying for sharing that knowledge.



>Were they good guys trying to point me towards my muse or were they bad guys trying to convince me to preoccupy myself with the idea that someone else holds the specific rocket fuel for my abilities.


Friend, I think we're in the same boat.

Anonymous ID: ef3ef3 May 17, 2018, 9:09 p.m. No.1452880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3989


>what can we low dose receivers do to help you break free from your chains?


One of their weapons is fear. In particular, the fear of turning everyone against you. If we weren't so afraid of decent folk being deceived into hurting us on their behalf, fewer would be turned to darkness in despair.


I know I would have never said or done many awful things I did only out of fear.