Anonymous ID: b02ffd Dec. 6, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.11929165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9258 >>9264 >>9364 >>9550 >>9590 >>9693 >>9819






And That's A Good Thing!


Part 1/3.

Please read all three parts.


Trump has made numerous mentions of his favorite Presidents like Lincoln, Jackson & JFK. He's spoken about restoring the Constitution. Fact is, our country will remain broken until the supreme law of the land is restored. That is not going to happen in the next 60-90 days.


Trump and the deep state (some acting, some not) are going to take this country to the precipice before 1/21/21 to wake up those among us who are still sleeping because the sheople have to see for themselves to be fully awake. Trump will then pull an Abraham Lincoln and invoke the insurrection act and shut down the US Government. The House and Senate will be recessed and all non-essential govt. will be shut down or reduced. Elections will be shut down. The corrupt judicial system will be shut down or reduced. POTUS will make massive numbers or recess appointments (Patriots one and all.) POTUS will then spend the next few years moving us and the country as close to the Constitution as possible. During this time POTUS can act unilaterally in nearly everything and his actions, changes to laws etc will stand until he revokes the insurrection act and reopens govt..

Anonymous ID: b02ffd Dec. 6, 2020, 4:51 p.m. No.11929166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9258 >>9264 >>9364 >>9590 >>9693 >>9819

Part 2/3.


At that point We The People will decide which laws to keep and which ones we want to get rid of. It will be relatively easy because the people will have seen how well things can function without a massive govt. apparatus infested with criminal grifters. The courts will be gradually restored to our Constitutional standard and shown be working fairly for everyone as intended. Elections will be reinstated without the presence of super PACS and undo influence. Education will be restored to reading, writing, arithmetic, civics and STEM and our children will be well equipped for not only their future but OUR future. Our system of money will be restored to Constitutional standards……a gold standard and all the benefits that will bring. The people will live under these changes for several years during the govt. shutdown and will see how beneficial anf FAIR they are for EVERYONE so the choices on how to proceed once out govt is restored will be right in front of us from EXPERIENCE. I imagine that during this time, POTUS and Patriots will endlessly point out the true vulnerabilities in our system ( career politicians/no term limits etc) so that we can bring about a new Constitutional Convention and shore up the Supreme Law of the Land to help prevent a repeat of the future INFILTRATION of evil in order to further secure our future.

During this multi-year period of govt. shutdown we will learn about crimes against humanity committed by our so called leaders. We will learn of their political, financial and foreign crimes and ultimately their cimes against children and humanity. (You don't that will all be exposed during the next 60-90 days do you?) We will see the arrests and military tribunals of the bad guys, bottom to top like Q said. I don't think the bigger fish will be arrested until probably late 2024, perhaps with Hillary on 11.3 as Q indicated three years ago. I think G. Soros might be the first big arrest in early 2021 because that scumbag has his fingers into everythin Foreign and Domestic [F] & [D]! That will certainly indicate future direction. Americans will see justice meted out slowly and consistently, probably beginning with the State and County level elections officials currently stealing our election and working our way up through the Federal govt. and Wall St. before the big ones like Felonia Milhous Von Pantsuit and friends get their turn. The last arrests and milirary tribunals will be for those that will be executed just before our govt. is restored and turned back over to We The People. Then comes Israel's turn.

Anonymous ID: b02ffd Dec. 6, 2020, 4:52 p.m. No.11929174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9258 >>9264 >>9278 >>9364 >>9590 >>9693 >>9819

Part 3/3.

The invaluable digging, research and mememaking will be used during this gov't shutdown period to assist POTUS in educating the American masses about their crimes, criminal networks etc. Recall that Q has told us he will be here to assist. The day before Election Day in 2024, Q will leave us for good. (pic related)

The Mass arrests we are expecting will occur when POTUS invokes the insurrection act and closes govt. and will include the next wave of rioters, the ignorant (unknowing)brainwashed lefties, antifa, blm and genuine foreign enemy combatants that spent the summer of 2020 giving America a preview of what is to come. These mass arrests will be conducted by the US Marines and National Guard…….strike like lightening as Sun Tzu said. Round them all up under the insurrection act…..Federal charges as enemy combatants and let them rot in jail until the justice system is sorted out. That should take the fight out of them. George Soros will go down with them, shocking the world and indicating future direction as Q said.

Trump will then run for election again, possibly unopposed and win. He will be our President for 12 years total. If it's not already revealed by then I imagine this might be when things like cancer and disease cures, MedBeds, anti-gravity, free energy and all other suppressed tech are revealed. Once the gold standard is restored, investment in the USA by every country on Earth will be enormous and I suspect that this will be right up Donald Trumps alley. It will be the most prosperous time in our history extending far into the future. I think Trump will manage this period in such away to not only secure America's prosperity but to guide and assist every country to secure these things for themselves. Once the whole world has Freedom and Liberty at their fingertips or in their hand it will be much more difficult for evil to tempt humanity again and worm their way back in.