Anonymous ID: b0edba Dec. 6, 2020, 8:38 p.m. No.11931435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1636 >>1844 >>2040 >>2055 >>2107

Alito Demands Briefs in Pennsylvania Congressman’s Lawsuit to Flip the Election (UPDATED)


Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has asked Pennsylvania officials to file response briefs in a so-far-failed attempt by GOP Congressman Mike Kelly to flip Pennsylvania’s 2020 election results. Kelly, a loyal and longtime supporter of President Donald Trump, is asking the nation’s highest court to take up the same elections case the Pennsylvania Supreme Court summarily ejected with prejudice last weekend. Kelly’s 50-page application and 213-page appendix was submitted to Alito because he is the justice who oversees incoming matters from the Third Circuit, which includes Pennsylvania. Though Alito originally called for response arguments from the Commonwealth to be filed by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9th, the case docket was changed Sunday morning to move that deadline up to Tuesday, Dec. 8, by 9 a.m. The change is critical. Pennsylvania’s members of the electoral college are due to meet at noon on Dec. 14th in Harrisburg to cast their votes for president. As Law&Crime has previously reported, and as Kelly’s arguments point out, federal election law sets a so-called “safe harbor” deadline which requires controversies “concerning the appointment of all or any of the electors . . . by judicial or other methods or procedures” to be determined “at least six days before the time fixed for the meeting of the electors.” Alito’s original Dec. 9th deadline failed to take that window into account. His new deadline does.


The thrust of Kelly’s arguments is that a 2019 state election reform statute known as Act 77 violated both the state constitution and the federal constitution. Act 77, which predates the coronavirus pandemic, was described when signed into law as a “bipartisan compromise.” It created a so-called “no-excuse mail-in” voting regime that Kelly claims violates a provision of the state constitution. Kelly interprets the constitution as allowing only limited circumstances which qualify a voter to cast a ballot by mail. In other words, in Kelly’s view, people must vote in person unless they can take advantage of only a few, narrow excuses contained within the state constitution and, therefore, Act 77 and related election access laws must be struck down as invalid. Because the 2020 election was conducted under Act 77, its results are questionable, he claims. In strict theory, the U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction to settle Pennsylvania constitutional issues, such as whether the state statute at question (Act 77) violates the state constitution. Generally, such matters are the exclusive realm of a state supreme court. But there are exceptions to that general concept, Kelly argues, including here. Because the state is acting under a “direct grant of authority” from the U.S. Constitution to manage federal elections, the U.S. Supreme Court can become involved, he argues, and can determine whether the Pennsylvania statutory and constitutional regime of laws violates the U.S. Constitution. Kelly invites the U.S. Supreme Court to conclude as such and, perhaps more dubiously, that the state court’s way of rubbishing the election violates his rights to petition the government and to receive due process under the First and Fourteenth Amendments thereto. He frames the issues this way (see image).

Anonymous ID: b0edba Dec. 6, 2020, 8:56 p.m. No.11931575   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I agree which is why the question of him taking that position..feel he's of better service in the intelligence arena in what ever capacity it turns out to be once we get past this election.

Anonymous ID: b0edba Dec. 6, 2020, 9:40 p.m. No.11931929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1948 >>2040 >>2107

'Old friends' in highest levels of U.S. government helped China influence policy, power (1 of 2)


Academic says Trump trade war cut off spies


China influenced American policies for decades through a covert network of “old friends” — sympathizers and agents — who had penetrated the highest levels of the U.S. government and financial institutions before the Trump administration, according to an academic linked to the Chinese government. Di Dongsheng, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing, also suggested in a Nov. 28 speech that China’s Communist Party helped Hunter Biden, a son of presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden, obtain Chinese business deals. On influencing the United States, Mr. Di said, he could not provide further details about the work of Chinese agents without compromising their identities. However, he said President Trump’s trade war with China upset decades of close ties between Washington and Beijing that the agent network facilitated. Disputes such as the Navy’s EP-3 midair collision with a Chinese jet in the western Pacific in 2001 and the mistaken U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia in 1999 were resolved within months because of the influence operations. “Now, I’m going to drop a bomb: Because we had people up there inside America’s core circle of power, we had our old friends,” said Mr. Di, adding that he needed to speak carefully because “I can’t sell out these people.” A video of the remarks was posted on Mr. Di’s Weibo social media account but was quickly removed. Copies of the video, however, survived and went viral. Mr. Di could not be reached for comment. The university’s Contemporary China Studies Program, where Mr. Di works, had no immediate comment.


The academic’s comments bolster warnings last week by senior Trump administration officials that China now poses the most significant national security threat to the United States. “The intelligence is clear,” Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said in a published article. “Beijing intends to dominate the U.S. and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically. There are no moral or ethical boundaries to their pursuit of power.” Bill Evanina, director of the DNI Counterintelligence and Security Center, said China has begun targeting officials slated to hold posts in an incoming Biden administration. During online remarks hosted by the Aspen Institute, Mr. Evanina said China is conducting intelligence and malign influence operations “on steroids.” “We’ve also seen an uptick, which was planned and we predicted, that China would now re-vector their influence campaigns to the new administration,” he said. A senior Trump administration official said Mr. Di’s speech was a rare case of a Chinese official revealing very sensitive information. Mr. Di states on his biography page at Renmin University that he is a frequent consultant to Chinese Communist Party and government organs, including the Foreign Ministry and the International Department of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, the Central Organization Department and other ministries and commissions.


In 2013, the State Department sponsored him to give lectures on Sino-U.S. economic relations to senior U.S. officials. Wall Street hedge funds have invited him “to teach company executives the impact of China’s reforms on global financial markets,” according to his biography. In his remarks last month in Shanghai, Mr. Di explained how one of these agents, whom he described in anti-Semitic terms, successfully pressured the owner of the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington in 2015 into permitting a Chinese government official to hold an event unveiling a book by Chinese President Xi Jinping. China’s propaganda department tasked Mr. Di with arranging the book event and hosting and participating in a panel discussion. “Just like today, they said, ‘Hey, Di Dongsheng, you are very good at fooling the foreigners,’ because they had seen how I conned them, which they thought was very effective,” he said. Mr. Di said it was difficult to arrange the event on short notice and bookstore owner Bradley Graham refused to give in to the Chinese demands. “So I asked him, ‘Which author booked the place for that time frame?’ What did I mean by asking him that? Well, there is nothing U.S. dollars can’t buy. If one bundle of cash couldn’t, I’d throw in another. That’s how I work,” he said.

Anonymous ID: b0edba Dec. 6, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.11931948   🗄️.is 🔗kun



CCP Expert: We Can’t Fix Trump Via Wall Street, But with Biden …


The CCP is opening up its financial markets to show goodwill to Biden, as it can't fix Trump via Wall Street. The CCP also wants foreign players to cultivate the CCP's own "tree" in its own backyard. Why was the CCP able to fix every trouble with the US in no time before 2016? Because it has its own people at the top of America's core inner circle of power & influence.

These are some of the main points made by Di Dongsheng, Vice Dean of the School of International Relations, Renmin University of China, Vice Director and Secretary of the Center for Foreign Strategic Studies of China on Nov. 28, in Shanghai, China.

The theme of the event was "Will China's Opening up of its Financial Sector Attract Wall Street Wolf? Zhang Zhizhen, Former President of the Asian Development Bank and former Director of the International Department of the Central Bank of the Communist Party of China, Ding Yifan, Deputy Director of the World Development Institute of the Development Research Center of the State Council of China, and Yao Yang, President of the National Development Research Institute of Peking University, also participated in this event.

Anonymous ID: b0edba Dec. 6, 2020, 10:28 p.m. No.11932198   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ryan Germany

Ryan Germany, general counsel for the secretary of state's office Georgia


Germany Family Investment Partners LLC


Anons DigThinking it will be interesting to see where this leads, is this to move a payment structure around.


Ryan Germany has LLC's This one indicates him as the principal. Also attached are the related LLC's, , with in each one of these related LLCs are moar LLCs, some times with different principals, but connected as you will see when looking through each of these. Minds me moar of a money laundering operation.