Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:22 a.m. No.11932662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2685

SEC Filings Show Firm That Owns Dominion Voting Machines Got $400M From Swiss Bank With China Connections Before Election

December 2, 2020


The further we get from election day, the more questions that are raised about the manner in which voting was conducted, especially in just enough battleground states that Democrat Joe Biden needed to flip blue in order to ‘win.’


They include questions surrounding the ballot machines used in many states, and in particular, machines manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems.


Attorneys Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and others with President Trump’s campaign, have alleged that they have evidence in the form of witness testimony and signed affidavits that foreign countries managed to manipulate votes in a way that hurt the president and helped Biden.


On the surface, some of the countries mentioned – Venezuela, China, and Iran – make sense given the fact that President Trump has been extremely hard on them in terms of foreign policy (which is to say Trump hasn’t taken any you-know-what off of them and has treated them like the competitor nations and potential enemies they are).


But to be clear, we haven’t seen any actual evidence proving these claims of foreign interference. And to be honest, few of us around here ever bought into the now-proven lie that Russia ‘hacked’ the 2016 election in favor of Trump.


That said, reliable sources are now reporting that there may be a China connection to Dominion after all.


Summit News, which was founded by Paul Joseph Watson, has more:


An investigation into SEC filings has revealed that the firm which owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million dollars from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election.


The investigation centers on Staple Street Capital, which acquired Dominion Voting Systems in 2018.


Dominion Voting Systems operates voting machines in 28 states and has been accused by President Trump and his supporters of being involved in deleting millions of votes for Trump in addition to switching votes to Biden on election night.


“On Oct 8, 2020, Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amount of $400,000,000 with the Sales Compensation Recipient identified as UBS Securities,” says the investigation report, which notes further that another payment of $200 million was received in December 2014.


“UBS Securities is a swiss investment bank which owns 24.99% of UBS Securities Co LTD, a Chinese Investment Bank. The remaining 75% of UBS Securities CO LTD is owned by the Chinese government,” states the report.


The principal owners of UBS Securities Co LTD are:


– Beijing Guoxiang (33%)

– UBS (24.99%)

– Guangdong Comm. Group (zh) (14.01%)

– China Guodian (14%)

– COFCO Group (14%)


With the exception of UBS, the other four entities are all connected to Communist China.


“The revelation that Dominion Voting Systems has financial ties to the Chinese government via UBS Securities will bolster claims by Trump supporters that foreign actors working on behalf of Communist China may have sought to meddle in the presidential election to help Joe Biden,” Summit News added.


Of course, it will. The problem is getting a court (or the Supreme Court) to hear the Trump campaign’s massive trove of evidence and affidavits.

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:24 a.m. No.11932670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2690 >>2715

Reports: Dominion voting-machine company has Chinese links

President Trump's supporters have alleged system switched votes to Joe Biden


Lawsuits filed in several states have alleged Dominion Voting Systems machines were used to flip votes from President Trump to Joe Biden.


Now, an investigation into Securities and Exchange Commission filings has revealed that the firm that owns Dominion Voting Systems received $400 million from a Swiss bank with close links to the Chinese government less than a month before the election, reports the Gateway Pundit.


Dominion has customers in 28 U.S. states, including nine of the top 20 counties.


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The president and his supporters have charged that the system was utilized to switch "millions" of votes from the president to Biden.


The transaction with Dominion, first reported by Infowars, was made Oct. 9. Staple Street Capital filed SEC Form D offerings and sales amounting to $400 million, according to the SEC. The Sales Compensation Recipient was identified as UBS Securities. Another payment of $200 million went through in 2014.


UBS Securities is a Swiss bank that owns nearly 25% of UBS Securities Co., a Chinese investment bank. The rest is owned by the Chinese government.


The government ownership includes communist front groups Beijing Guoxiang, Guangdong Comm. Group, China Guodian and COFCO Group.


The chain of ownership was traced back even further: Guangdong Comm. Group is owned by Guangdong Provincial Government, China Guodian is a state-owned enterprise and COFCO Group is under the Chinese state-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission.


National Pulse reported Andy Huang, a manager for Dominion, previously worked at China Telecom.


"China Telecom is wholly run by the Chinese government, and has been identified by the U.S. Department of Defense as having collaborated with the country’s military for over two decades," the report said.


And China Telecom previously has been flagged by the U.S. State Department as "vulnerable to exploitation, influence, and control by the Chinese government."

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:35 a.m. No.11932713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mastercard To Investigate Allegations Against Pornhub


December 7, 2020


(Reuters) – Mastercard Inc said on Sunday it was investigating allegations against following a newspaper column which said many videos posted on the adult website depicted child abuse.


The New York Times column, written by Nicholas Kristof, described videos on Pornhub that the author said were recordings of assaults on unconscious women and girls.


“The issue is not pornography but rape. Let’s agree that promoting assaults on children or on anyone without consent is unconscionable,” Kristof wrote in the column published on Friday. (


Pornhub denied the allegations.


“Any assertion that we allow CSAM (child sexual abuse material) is irresponsible and flagrantly untrue,” it said in a statement emailed to Reuters.


Mastercard told Reuters in a statement that it was investigating the allegations with Pornhub’s parent MindGeek’s bank. “If the claims are substantiated, we will take immediate action,” Mastercard said.


Billionaire investor Bill Ackman called on Mastercard and Visa Inc to temporarily withhold payments to Pornhub following the newspaper column.


Ackman also asked American Express Co to take action, though the company’s cards aren’t accepted on the site.


Visa said it is aware of the allegations and is “actively engaging with the relevant financial institutions to investigate,” while also engaging directly with MindGeek.


“If the site is identified as not complying with applicable laws or the financial institutions’ acceptable use policies and underwriting standards they will no longer be able to accept Visa payments,” the company said in a statement.


American Express said it has a longstanding global policy that prohibits acceptance of its cards on digital adult content websites.


Ackman suggested it should be made illegal for porn sites to post videos before they are reviewed by a monitor, and until the ages and consent of participants have been validated.


In its response, Pornhub said it has a vast team of human moderators who manually review “every single upload,” as well as automated detection technologies. It did not say how many people were part of its review team.


Kristof’s column also drew reactions from politicians including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who said his government was working with police and security officials to address the issues it raised.


In the United States, Senator Josh Hawley said he will introduce legislation to create a federal right to sue for every person “coerced or trafficked or exploited by sites like Pornhub.”

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:37 a.m. No.11932719   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Google Removes Some IAC Browser Extensions For ‘Policy Violations’

December 6, 2020


(Reuters) – Alphabet Inc’s Google said on Sunday it has removed a number of browser extensions of online conglomerate IAC/InterActive Corp for “policy violations” and is reviewing “enforcement options.”


“We continue to have conversations with IAC related to Chrome Web Store policies and we have already removed a number of their extensions for violating our policies”, a Google spokesman said in a statement emailed to Reuters.


“We’re reviewing the remaining extensions and our enforcement options, and have not made a decision regarding IAC’s status on the store”, the statement added.


The Wall Street Journal reported earlier that Google was deciding whether to impose severe penalties on IAC over what Google concluded were “deceptive marketing practices”.


The report added that Google determined that IAC misled users about its browser extensions and that the Alphabet unit could go as far as banning those products from its Chrome browser.


In the statement to Reuters, Google’s spokesman did not specify which precise policies it felt were violated by IAC and did not mention what exact options it was considering.


An IAC spokeswoman disputed that the extensions violated Google policies. “Google has taken hundreds of millions of dollars from us to advertise and distribute these products in the Chrome Store,” she told Reuters in an emailed statement.


“There’s nothing new here – Google has used their position to reduce our browser business to the last small corner of the internet, which they’re now seeking to quash,” the statement added.


Google’s investigators found that IAC’s browser extensions often promise functions they do not deliver and steer users toward extra ads, the WSJ reported, citing sources and documents.


Google so far has not acted on the internal recommendation of its Chrome trust and safety team regarding IAC in part because the two are rivals in some categories and because Google executives are concerned penalties could be viewed as anti-competitive, the newspaper reported


The IAC spokeswoman said Google had approved its extensions in the Chrome Store for years as part of the companies’ partnership agreement.


“Google exercises significant control over what we do with these products”, she said in the statement.

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:38 a.m. No.11932726   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Cisco To Buy Software Firm IMImobile In $730 Million Deal

December 7, 2020


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) – Cisco has agreed to buy London-based cloud communications software company IMImobile PLC for 595 pence per share in cash in a deal valued at about $730 million, including debt.


IMImobile provides software and services to businesses to connect with customers through interactive channels including social, messaging and voice.

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:51 a.m. No.11932770   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden Picks Xavier Becerra to Lead Health and Human Services

Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Michael D. Shear 4 hrs ago

The New York Times logoBiden Picks Xavier Becerra to Lead Health and Human Services


WASHINGTON — President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. has selected Xavier Becerra, the Democratic attorney general of California, as his nominee for secretary of health and human services, tapping a former congressman who would be the first Latino to run the department as it battles the surging coronavirus pandemic.


Xavier Becerra wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera: Xavier Becerra served 12 terms in Congress, representing Los Angeles, before becoming the attorney general of California in 2017.© Rich Pedroncelli/Associated Press Xavier Becerra served 12 terms in Congress, representing Los Angeles, before becoming the attorney general of California in 2017.

Mr. Becerra became Mr. Biden’s clear choice only over the past few days, according to people familiar with the transition’s deliberations, and was a surprise. Mr. Becerra has carved out a profile on the issues of criminal justice and immigration, and he was long thought to be a candidate for attorney general.


But as attorney general in California, he has been at the forefront of legal efforts on health care, leading 20 states and the District of Columbia in a campaign to protect the Affordable Care Act from being dismantled by his Republican counterparts. He has also been vocal in the Democratic Party about fighting for women’s health.


If confirmed, Mr. Becerra will immediately face a daunting task in leading the department at a critical moment during a pandemic that has killed more than 281,000 people in the United States — and one that has taken a particularly devastating toll on people of color.


“The A.C.A. has been life-changing and now through this pandemic, we can all see the value in having greater access to quality health care at affordable prices,” Mr. Becerra said in June, when he filed a brief with the Supreme Court in defense of the health care law. “Now is not the time to rip away our best tool to address very real and very deadly health disparities in our communities.”


A spokesman for Mr. Biden’s transition team declined to comment. The president-elect plans to formally announce Mr. Becerra as his choice to lead the health department early this week, along with several other top health care advisers, according to people familiar with the rollout.


Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, will be selected to lead the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to a person familiar with Mr. Biden’s deliberations. Dr. Walensky, whose selection was reported earlier by Politico, will replace Dr. Robert R. Redfield as the leader of the scientific agency at the forefront of the nation’s pandemic response.


Dr. Vivek Murthy, who served as surgeon general under President Barack Obama, will reprise that role for Mr. Biden. A telegenic confidant of the president-elect, Mr. Murthy will become one of Mr. Biden’s closest advisers on medical issues and will lead much of the public outreach on the pandemic.


Jeffrey D. Zients, an entrepreneur and management consultant who served as the head of Mr. Obama’s National Economic Council and fixed the bungled rollout of the health law’s online insurance marketplace, will become a coronavirus czar in the White House, leading efforts to coordinate the fight against the coronavirus pandemic among the government’s sprawling agencies.


Some medical experts, who have been pushing the Biden team to name people with medical or public health expertise to serve in health leadership positions, were caught off guard — and unhappily so — by the news of Mr. Becerra’s selection.


In a letter sent last week to Mr. Biden, five leading medical groups — the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Physicians among them — called on the president-elect to appoint “qualified physicians to serve in key positions critical to advancing the health of our nation.”


One person familiar with that effort said people involved were “astounded” by the selection of Mr. Becerra, and suggested that Mr. Biden elevate Dr. Murthy to a cabinet-level position.


But in an interview on Sunday night, Dr. Ada D. Stewart, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, one of the groups that sent the letter, described Mr. Becerra as “a good choice” and “an experienced legislator and executive” — even as she conceded that her group would “prefer, of course, to have a physician in this position.”

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:53 a.m. No.11932774   🗄️.is 🔗kun


“We’ve already seen his commitment to health and equity, and those things can’t be overlooked,” she said.


Mr. Becerra’s experience in Washington may also help Mr. Biden secure legislative changes to bolster the Affordable Care Act, a central promise that the president-elect made during the 2020 campaign.


Mr. Becerra, 62, served 12 terms in Congress, representing Los Angeles, before becoming the attorney general of his home state in 2017. He is the first Latino to hold that office, and while in Congress he was the first Latino to serve as a member of the Ways and Means Committee, where he worked on health care as a senior member of the health subcommittee. He also led the House Democratic Caucus, which gave him a powerful leadership post.


An outspoken advocate of improved health care access, Mr. Becerra said in 2017 that he would “absolutely” support Medicare for all, a proposal for government-run health care that Mr. Biden has explicitly rejected. A source familiar with the selection said Mr. Becerra would support the president-elect’s call for strengthening and preserving the A.C.A. and would not be pushing Medicare for all while in office.


As California’s top law enforcement official, Mr. Becerra helped lead legal fights across the nation for access to health care, focusing in particular on dismantling barriers for women struggling to get medical services.


In April, Mr. Becerra led a coalition of 22 state attorneys general in challenging a Mississippi law that prohibited doctors from providing abortion services past 15 weeks. In a statement at the time, Mr. Becerra called the ban “unjust, unlawful, and unfair.”


“Laws like Mississippi’s are a systematic attempt to undo a woman’s constitutional rights under Roe v. Wade,” he said. “I will continue to stand up for safe access to reproductive care and defend these rights for all women.”


Mr. Becerra’s office boasted frequently of the many lawsuits he had filed against the Trump administration, including suits challenging the president’s immigration and environmental policies. His activism in fighting the Trump agenda in court earned him praise from leading progressives in the Democratic Party.


In September, Mr. Becerra said the tally of his anti-Trump lawsuits had grown to 100.


But Mr. Becerra also partnered with Republican counterparts at times, joining a bipartisan group of attorneys general in August to urge the Department of Health and Human Services and other agencies to increase access to remdesivir, a drug that has shown promise in treating Covid-19. He also worked with Republicans to prevent student vaping.


Born in Sacramento, Mr. Becerra grew up in a working-class family; his mother emigrated from Mexico, and he was the first in his family to graduate from college. He attended Stanford as an undergraduate and received his law degree there in 1984.

Anonymous ID: 81fab6 Dec. 7, 2020, 12:53 a.m. No.11932776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2786


Mr. Biden was impressed by Mr. Becerra’s personal story, according to a person familiar with his thinking. In particular, the president-elect liked the fact that Mr. Becerra served clients with mental health needs shortly after graduating from law school, the person said.


While in Congress, Mr. Becerra was a fierce advocate of the Latino community and became deeply involved in efforts to overhaul the nation’s immigration system. He also promoted plans to build a national museum devoted to exploring the culture and history of American Latinos. The House voted this year to create such a museum.


Representative Filemon Vela, Democrat of Texas, praised Mr. Biden’s choice of Mr. Becerra, calling it “historic” and saying the California attorney general was the right person to lead the sprawling agency during the worst public health crisis in 100 years.


“Becerra will lead an agency that will play a crucial role in overseeing a massive immunization effort and help manage a bolstered federal response to tackle the worsening Covid-19 crisis,” Mr. Vela said. “He will also help shape the Biden administration’s efforts to build on the Affordable Care Act.”


In the late 1990s, Mr. Becerra traveled to Cuba and visited with its leader, Fidel Castro, which infuriated Republican members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. They resigned, saying they were “personally insulted” by the visit.


Mr. Biden’s selection of Mr. Becerra to replace the current secretary, Alex M. Azar II, comes as the president-elect is under increasing pressure from the Latino community and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to diversify his cabinet. Mr. Becerra is the second Latino Mr. Biden has chosen for his cabinet after the selection last month of Alejandro N. Mayorkas, a Cuban immigrant, as secretary of homeland security.


Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico had been thought to be in line for the health secretary’s job, but she apparently fell out of the running. Instead, news leaked last week that Ms. Lujan Grisham had been offered, and turned down, the position of interior secretary.


The leak prompted Senator-elect Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico to use a private meeting with top Biden advisers to rebuke the incoming White House chief of staff, Ron Klain, and other senior Biden officials for their treatment of Ms. Lujan Grisham, according to a Democrat familiar with the discussion.


If approved, Mr. Becerra’s nomination would create yet another statewide office in California to be filled by Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was already considering candidates, including Mr. Becerra, for the Senate seat being vacated by Vice President-elect Kamala Harris.


Mr. Becerra has been California’s attorney general since 2017, when Ms. Harris was elected to the Senate and Gov. Jerry Brown appointed him to fill her seat. His term would expire in 2022.


Jonathan Martin contributed reporting from Washington, and Shawn Hubler from Sacramento.