Just watched President Trump on Fox and Friends. He did a great job laying a scorched earth beneath the cabal's feet. Lying Comey, the fake MSM, McCabe/Page/Strzuk and others all took direct hits. He was even feeling charitable and gave a compliment to Anderson Pooper. President talked about his success with NK, defended the reputation of Admiral Ronnie, who has stepped away from his nomination to lead the V.A., predicted John Tester will pay a political price for the unfounded accusations he made about Ronnie. Spoke about Pompeo and made a few appropriate digs at his basically away justice department. It was obvious the man had had a few cups of covfefe before they hit the air. Well done Sir, well done!
'AWOL' justice department. Fucking auto-correct got me on the third try. Caught it twice and thought I beat it, but no such luck.
I agree anon. I don't think he does either (have no idea where gets his energy from). I was making a joke about that word - covfefe- or whatever, which Trump tweeted and was later found to be the acronym for a bill he signed into law.
Which are thought to have contained classified information. Comey committed at least three felonies I can think of.
Removed government property
Memos contained classified information
Leaked said memos to a party without the proper security clearance to receive, and read, said material
Guessing there's more, but were it you or I who did any one of those three, we would most certainly be posting to 8chan from our 8' x 12' block in a federal prison.
He's a good 25% older than I am and I can't even get out of bed without a handful of chemical assistance. Perhaps FLOTUS helps keep him in good form?
In a more perfect world we wouldn't be reading any twats from 'hot chit' Skippy. In fact, we wouldn't be hearing about him at all anymore.
Comey suffers from being internally conflicted. He's been involved with so many crimes, at least as a fixer, he needs to project blame onto others. I sincerely believe that HE BELIEVES he's on the side of the angels. Truth be told, the country should reopen Alcatraz and book him as its first new prisoner. He's an embarrassment and stain on the legacy of the FBI as their reputation relates to the good men and women who work, or have worked, there and performed honest services. The 7th floor cabal (and Hoover) have made it tough for most of us to think it shouldn't be disbanded. It has lost its way for too long.
Am I actually supposed to understand your point with that meme?
I haven't seen the interview with Comey/Anderson. Sorry. Was just making a blanket statement on Comey when I posted.
Connor, this guy wants your next fight (pic related).