Thanks BO for helping out in here. Here's our 'Missions' section which was removed somehow overnight. Idk if it should be removed atm, but what everyone thinks.
- MEME FOR DEAR LIFE>>1133464 , >>1134569
- Al Gore #WheresAlGore >>1147720
- Huma+??(how many siblings does huma have?) >>1140227
- Map Huma's Family: Parents & Siblings >>1142939 Huma's Sister, Heba, attempted to undermine RIGHTFUL outcome of Presidential Election >>1143533 Follow the Money. Check out Dearborn, MI also
- HUMA?? >>1143022, >>1143031
- MB >>1143739 MB & OBAMA
- Hussein >>1101878, >>1101894 Private Investigation Into Obama By Dr. Taitz
- Obama Timeline >>1066725 POTUS Schedule vs Obama 'vacation'
CLAS Sec 11A P2.2
>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce
>>1170802 Uranium One Link
>>1176566 Possible meaning "CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2" refers to "HDCP 2.2 11A" Eavesdrop on any data
: D/L Video, Data Mine & Build Profile (Eyes Only)''' >>1113402
>>1184421 Dig so far. Let's archive it anons, as Q said it's for use later
- MEME FOR DEAR LIFE>>1133464 , >>1134569
- Al Gore #WheresAlGore >>1147720
- Huma+??(how many siblings does huma have?) >>1140227
- Map Huma's Family: Parents & Siblings >>1142939 Huma's Sister, Heba, attempted to undermine RIGHTFUL outcome of Presidential Election >>1143533 Follow the Money. Check out Dearborn, MI also
- HUMA?? >>1143022, >>1143031
- MB >>1143739 MB & OBAMA
- Hussein >>1101878, >>1101894 Private Investigation Into Obama By Dr. Taitz
- Obama Timeline >>1066725 POTUS Schedule vs Obama 'vacation'
CLAS Sec 11A P2.2
>>1170278 CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important], >>1170325 sauce
>>1170802 Uranium One Link
>>1176566 Possible meaning "CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2" refers to "HDCP 2.2 11A" Eavesdrop on any data
: D/L Video, Data Mine & Build Profile (Eyes Only)''' >>1113402
>>1184421 Dig so far. Let's archive it anons, as Q said it's for use later