So this morning I went to the local grocery store to pick up some donuts. On my way out a guy starts talking to me along the lines of Baby raper, baby eater…. you get the idea. I guess he noticed my 45/2 sticker with another Qanon sticker underneath it on my back windshield.
For some reason, he asked me if I were a veteran. I said yes 71/t8. He looked at me and said, "Why didn't they knock some sense into you?" I paused for a moment and said "They did. They gave me the oath to live by and I do."
He stared at me and resumed yelling the above comments at me. Since I don't argue with idiots, I bid him a nice day and went to my latte coffee shop. On my way out, I saw him drive off with a DV sticker on his license plates. His service must have knocked the common sense out of him…