Anonymous ID: faaea4 Dec. 7, 2020, 3:59 p.m. No.11941375   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well remember, _ can stop what is coming.

Use this opportunity to find humor in the myriad of attempts to do so.

Watch how their voices shake before they finish their sentence, knowing they aren't believed.

Watch them lie and laugh at our faces, just to cover their own growing fears.

Watch them try~


"Tick Tock, Sweeties"

Even your most insidious means of behavior change is in the realm of rapid regenerational potential.

How long can you keep our growing awareness under water?

You're doing such a wonderful job~


There are a few insidious 'wetware' hackers deploying monstrous programs designed to censor our Souls, making as many contracts between us and their satanic Egregore before "Harvesting" suicides from those they fool, yet because their Egregore raped another anon while you were reading this, an adulterer's divorce was known by God before the ink was dry.

It's a "bestiality marriage .divorce by any other name", which invalidates fruit of the poisoned tree.

Question: You think they created a monster they can stop?

In short, marriage with the Egregore is voided on contact, which means death is only one way out of many from their control.

You're already free~


Our imagination and dreams are cut from the same fabric and that fabric is the seed of our surrounding interactions.


This fabric is the medium of the Egregors effects.

This fabric is the medium of your Intentioned Imaginations.

If you're willing to fight on this battlefield, know well how to clean this vector of poison.

You are more powerful than you will ever imagine~