cant say thanks enough but why tf yall keep bakin' when they aint filled up?
>. I was introduced to this as "QAnon".
cool. that means you were introduced by some random larp that had nothing to do with the REAL Q…
oh ok.
cuz I've talked to Q like 8 times… and I built… but I still have no idea what a 'qanon' is…
holyshit I laughed too hard at this.
I can't wait for you to hear all the voicerecords and screencaps I grabbed from that era…
>buy muh book
yup, I have a signed copy..
did you know i was the 'discord server owner' of cbts_Stream… the place he showed up literally DAILY trying to feed us lies bc he was an 'insider'… topkek.
thanks for your advice, grandma.