If I had any “good anon” points in the bank, I’ve now irretrievably lost them. I want to see a program of targeted assassinations and executions like yesterday.
It’s likely necessary to demonstrate that most branches of civilian government are unfit for purpose, deeply compromised, and operating in the interests of foreign powers and interests rather than the People. An inability to find anything or anyone in authority to deal with a manifestly stolen election would confirm all three.
Capturing all the world’s resources is precisely what the Banksters have been doing with a lot of that Magick Money QE fiat. Water is a huge control choke point, for obvious reasons.
Alberta is anon territory
Great people with rugged independence. They’ve been squashed by the Nancy Boy in Ottawa and his ilk. They cannot continue as they are. But I see them as the Great Northern Redoubt. Try finding us there, soyboys.
They can’t lock up Britney. They just can’t.
My point is that the utter corruption of civilian government has to be made manifest. Then POTUS can justify resorting to the military as the only means of restoring order.
My hunch is that if he does this, in the face of no practicable alternatives, he will resign once order is restored. He will be especially eager to ensure that he cannot be tarred with the dictator brush - this must both be and be seen to be necessary in order to save the Republic. I hope he doesn’t, because I don’t want Pence in the Oval; but optics for the world and for history will be enormously significant.
There were no rejections because there were no checks! Easy! You get a vote and you get a vote. Every ineligible fucker gets a vote.
This would be SO much more convincing (yawn) if all the names were spelled correctly.