>>1192805 (notables)
^^ @Meganon
>Personally think the MOAB was Kanye.
Mainstream responses (MSM radio shills),
Typical "Ye is Crazy", "Ye is Selfish",
And now "Ye out of Touch", "Ye not really Black",
Getting nasty pushback in YouTube comments.
Alex Jones even rolled out to defuse;
First response was "ironic" video,
"[AJ] Freaks Over Kanye West Attacking Trump",
Meant to mislead his most out of touch viewers;
AJ then later drops Scott Adams video,
Saying he supports it 95%,
While rebutting the main theses that:
#1: We have been trapped in a mental prison
#2: EVERYONE now release from that prison
#3: Now new "Golden Age" being ushered in
Funny watching this shit all go down;
Pause on those treasonous FBI texts,
Probably result of Deep State seeing,
There was NO way following Ye,
That they could weasel out of anything;
Deep State probably expected to have leverage,
Now realizing how completely Trump is moving,
They're probably feeling boxed in,
And threatened serious repercussions,
Hence Q's FF warning.
So yeah,
Kanye was definitely MOAB,
But it probably worked too well;
Trump probably needs to shore up his coalition,
Some who DEF fear Blacks awakening 100%,
Viewing it as an existential crisis;
After all, if you steal someone's future,
What MUST the Universe do to you,
Once the victim, Hiram Abiff, has awoken,
And demands it all back in full?
Atlantis had 10 Tribes,
But the Jews say there were 12;
So Plato's 10,
With the Jews inserting themselves in,
And the original 10 nowhere to be found?