I know you all don't like non research posts.
BUT, today, hopefully is a grand day and we are all eagerly awaiting the President on Fex news.
i just checked an astrological site and i have never seen such a post as this.
I found it relevant for today's happening. I had to share it:
Thursday, April 26
We can expect trouble when the God of War conspires with the Lord of the Underworld. However, today’s Mars-Pluto conjunction also enables us to defy the odds when defending our deepest passions. Power struggles are likely but fighting for the greater good is favored over selfish behavior. The discriminating Virgo Moon helps us choose our battles wisely until her shift into diplomatic Libra at 9:12 pm EDT moves the conflict to the negotiating table.
http:// stariq.com/levine/dailyhoroscope.asp