This schmuck is perfectly representative of everything that got us to where we were under Obama: "do it for me." It's our country. It falls on us to run it. Those in government at any level are assistants to create focal points and get the job done. WE are the leaders. WE have the power and therefore WE have the responsibility.
Most definitely, only a select few have the insight and the patience to stay with the program at the pace it's moving at. We understand at least the scope of the complexity involved, if not the nitty gritty details. SO much more is at play here. It's not just about taking out the deep state. It's about continuing normal operation of the country while it's done. It's about avoiding civil unrest and knee jerk mass reactions, like what happened during the French Revolution. It reminds me of those people who have to maneuver massive cargo ships through the tiny Panama Canal with inches of leeway on each side. One does not zoom through during such undertakings.
People like the guy who posted the 4Chan posting referenced need to be ignored. Snowflake material across the board: I want it now, I want it free, and you owe it to me. Let me sit on my ass while somebody else does all the work and makes it easy.
I want, I need, I demand. Who the fuck cares. This snowflake needs to get off his ass and learn to manage his own life. Quit offloading it onto others. As if we don't have our hands full already. We have our own lives to take care of.