COVID Tactics Same as COMMUNIST Coercive Tactics
The American people are now being subjected to Communist coercive methods for eliciting individual compliance.
'''1956 Biderman Report on Communist coercive methods
for eliciting individual compliance'''
Chart of Coercion is from Communist Brainwashing Techniques.
*Isolation - Social distancing, massive job loss.
Monopolization of Perception - Restrict movement. Dominate all Media, Censorship.Induced Debility and exhaustion - Not permitted to socialize.
'''Threats & Intimidation - threaten to close business, levy fines. Create containment camps.
Occasional indulgences - Allow re-opening of some stores, businesses. Let restaurants open but at a certain capacity.
Demonstrate omnipotence - Shut down entire economies across the world. Develop total' surveillance with nanochips and 5G.
Humiliation & Degradation - Make people stand between lines. Make people stand outside and wait on lines.
*Enforcing trivial demands - Family members must stand apart.Masks in home and even when having sex.
1975 Amnesty International report where they took a deep look at torture. What constitutes torture, what torture does to people, and what methods actual torturers used in this thing called ‘no touch’ torture.
It’s psychological torture, it’s mental torture and at the end we see that the question doesn’t have an easy answer. In fact some might conclude that yes, the responses to this Coronavirus in many regions of the world do in fact amount to torture.
Excerpts from the 1975 Amnesty International Report on Torture.
Page 34 – Four elements of torture
1] There are certain essential elements which give torture its particular meaning and which should be incorporated in any comprehensive definition. In the first place the nature of torture assumes the involvement of at least two persons, the torturer and the victim, and it carries the further implication that the victim is under the physical control of the torturer.
2] The second element is the basic one of the infliction of acute pain and suffering. It is the means used by the torturer on the victim and the element that distinguishes him from the interrogator. Pain is a subjective concept, internally felt, but is no less real for being subjective. Definitions that would limit torture to physical assaults on the body exclude’ mental’ and ‘psychological torture, which undeniably causes acute pain and suffering, and must be incorporated in any definition.
3] There is implicit in the notion or torture the effort by the torturer, through the infliction of pain, to make the victim submit, to ‘break him’. The breaking of the victim’s will is intended to destroy his humanity, and the reaction to the horror of this finds expression in various human rights instruments in such phrases as ‘respect for the inherent dignity of the human person.
4] Torture implies a systematic activity with a rational purpose.